GIZ - Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Advisor

GIZ is looking for a Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Advisor for its project “Youth Employment Promotion in Moldova”, which is financed by the German Government. The project aims to bring young people into decent employment through improving career guidance and placement services and providing practice-oriented training programmes.

This position is expected to start on the 1st of March 2024 (or earlier), for a 12-month period, with the possibility of extension based on performance.

The Advisor will be primarily advising the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (MMPS) and the National Employment Agency (ANOFM), companies, vocational schools and other relevant training providers on the development of curricula, teaching and learning materials for short courses, ensuring organizational and capacity development for public placement authorities for the elaboration and implementation of target group-oriented and gender-transformative career counselling services, and establishing cooperative networks between companies, training providers, trade associations and public authorities.

The overall responsibilities covered by this position are as follows:

  • Support in organizational and capacity development of relevant training providers and teaching staff and in designing and implementing short vocational training courses with a focus on gender-transformative aspects
  • Advising ANOFM and relevant training providers on the development and application of a monitoring system and the implementation of tracer studies for course participants
  • Support in improving linkages between companies, training providers, trade associations and public authorities
  • Coordinate local/regional meetings, workshops etc. on all levels among all relevant stakeholders
  • Implement capacity development measures for teaching and managerial staff of training providers and career counselling institutions
  • Analysing existing short training courses and advise on quality improvements
  • Support companies, trade associations and public authorities by identifying occupation and skill needs, with a special focus on promotion of women’s empowerment and green jobs
  • Advising public and private training providers on developing and implementing short new training courses, in cooperation with the private sector and in line with labour market requirements
  • Facilitating the connection between career counselling services and young people from vulnerable groups for training and further labour market integration
  • Support project team and partners in the implementation and operation of the project’s results-based monitoring (related results, indicators, outputs)
  • Perform other tasks assigned by the project manager.

 Required qualifications:

  • Master’s degree or other equivalent graduation in Economics, Management and Organisational Development, Educational and Social Policies or other relevant fields.
  • At least 5 years of professional working experience, ideally in business development and/or education, with a focus on private sector and/or vocational education and/or career guidance
  • Proven experience in implementing organizational and capacity development programmes, preferably in the context of development cooperation
  • Experience in development or coordination the educational packages establishment process (PO, SO, QS) for VET programmes.
  • Previous experience in interacting with private sector, educational institutions and social partners would be a strong asset.
  • Experience in working with vulnerable groups would be an asset
  • Experience in the field of gender equality and gender mainstreaming would be a strong asset
  • Good knowledge of main features of the VET system, including its relation to shaping skills needs on the labour market in Moldova.
  • Good knowledge in the thematic area of vocational education and training, including in Technical and Vocational Education Systems and Governance, Vocational Training and Employment, VET Linkage to Labour Market, Development of Education Systems, etc.
  • Good knowledge on career guidance and job orientation methods
  • Proven excellent written and verbal skills in Romanian, fluency in English and Russian. Good knowledge of German would be an asset.
  • Fluency in the use of software applications, such as Excel, Word and PowerPoint, Microsoft 365.
  • Ability to establish and coordinate networks consisting of a wide range of partners from diverse backgrounds
  • Ability to work under pressure to tight deadlines with excellent time management skills.
  • Ability to work on individual responsibility but in close cooperation with the team and superior.
  • Problem-solving skills, the ability to negotiate, be a strong team player, and have initiative.
  • Willing and able to travel inside the country.
  • Excellent drafting and presentation skills.

Applications, including detailed CV, references, and motivation letter (in English) shall be sent not later than the 30th of January 2024, time 15:00 to the address

The position is opened for candidates with Moldovan Nationality.

Please mention the position name in the title of your application message. Only shortlisted candidates will be asked for an interview. The finalist will be offered a fixed-term employment contract based on a 40-hour weekly work programme and concluded in line with the national labour legislation.The applications received after the deadline will not be considered. GIZ retains the discretion to re-advertise the position, to cancel the recruitment or offer an appointment at a lower grade or with a modified job description.

GIZ is committed to employment equity in the workplace and encourages qualified candidates from all backgrounds to apply.

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