Tender no. 83483728 for acquisition of the services for Development of the template for the Integrated Local Energy and Climate Action Plan
The German Development Cooperation through GIZ is seeking to contract a Short term expert to provide service on Development of the template for the Integrated Local Energy and Climate Action Plan within the project Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies in the Republic Moldova (E4M).
The selected consultant will conduct all the activities in accordance with the provisions of the Terms of Reference (ToR).
For the Terms of Reference (ToR) and eventual questions, please address a message to the
e-mail: tenders-giz-moldova@giz.de indicating the tender number in the message title, not later than 03.03. 2025, 15:00 Chisinau local time.
The successful application shall include:
1. Technical Proposal, containing (in a separate document):
- Detailed CV and the project implementation concept, which describes the methodology the consultant will use while implementing the project
2. Financial Proposal, containing (in a separate document):
Financial offer shall include the gross daily rate in MDL and the total amount per up to 26 workdays of assignment.
All personal data is for the internal use of GIZ; confidentiality is guaranteed.
The Bid’s evaluation will be performed based on the ratio 70% for the technical offer and 30% for the financial offer.
Applications shall be submitted in a sealed envelope to the GIZ country office – Chisinau, 73/1 Stefan cel Mare si Sfant Bvd., National Business Center, 9th floor – indicating the tender number 83483728, not later than 05.03. 2025, 15:00 Chisinau local time.
Please note that applications received after the deadline, as well as incomplete applications will not be considered. Financial offers containing other currency than Moldovan Lei, will not be considered. GIZ retains the discretion to re-advertise or cancel this tender.