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INSPIRED Moldova Project RFP: A study on CSO policy dialogue, advocacy, and digital capacities

CONTACT Centre is announcing a call for proposals to select two experts to conduct a baseline study on the capacities of civil society organizations (CSOs) in policy dialogue, advocacy, and digital skills. The study will be conducted within the INSPIRED Moldova project, funded by the European Union and implemented by a consortium led by the European Partnership for Democracy (EPD). The consortium includes CPR Moldova, CONTACT Centre, People in Need, ALDA - the European Association for Local Democracy, and Democracy Reporting International (DRI).

The call is for two positions:

  1. Expert in policy dialogue
  2. Expert in digitalization

The selected experts will conduct the study in the upcoming period with the following main tasks:

  • Developing the research methodology in close collaboration with the CONTACT team;
  • Collecting qualitative data through focus groups and in-depth interviews;
  • Analyzing existing documents and mapping dialogue mechanisms at local and national levels to assess CSO involvement in national policies;
  • Delivering two outputs: A report on CSO capacities in policy dialogue, advocacy, and digitalization, and a Catalogue of Dialogue Mechanisms, highlighting platforms for collaboration between CSOs and authorities at local and national levels.

The technical and financial proposals must be submitted by email to by October 18, 2024, 10:00 AM, with the subject "INSPIRED Baseline Study Offer." Clarification questions can be sent to the same email address with the subject "INSPIRED Baseline Study Questions" by October 17, 2024.

The application must include:

  1. Technical proposal: Details on the proposed methodology and work plan (in English);
  2. Financial proposal: Amounts should be indicated in Moldovan lei, excluding VAT (in English);
  3. General information about the expert: Client portfolio, sociological research conducted in the past three years, copy of registration certificate or expert’s CV;
  4. CVs of the relevant experts involved in the research (in English);
  5. Recommendation or reference letters from collaborations over the past two years.

For more details about the study, please refer to the Terms of Reference available HERE. 


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