Competition for the selection of an "Expert Researcher"

Ecological Counseling Center Cahul,

Republic of Moldova

announces a competition for the selection of an "Expert Researcher"

Activity within the project "Network for the Preservation of Sturgeon and for the Sustainability of the Black Sea Basin Ecosystem" (Project No. BSB00172), co-financed by the European Union within the Interreg NEXT Program Black Sea Basin.

Under the guidance of Ecological Counseling Center Cahul, Expert Researcher will provide services in accordance with the Terms of Reference.

Qualifications and skills required:

- University studies relevant to the request;

- Professional experience in the field, at least 5 years;

- Experience gained in the implementation of other similar projects at international level;

- Professional skills of teamwork;

- Knowledge of English language level C1.

Content of the offer:

- Interested persons will present the following documents;

- Financial offer.

Information regarding the details of the requested services is included in the attached Terms of Reference.

The offers will be applied no later than 25 Octomber 2024, by email with the reference "Competition - Expert Researcher".





within the project "Network for the Preservation of Sturgeon and for the Sustainability of the Black Sea Basin Ecosystem", (Project No. BSB00172),  co-financed by the European Union within the Interreg NEXT Program Black Sea Basin.


23 September 2024

 Ecological Counseling Center Cahul, announces the competition through a request for offers for the selection of an Expert Researcher, an activity within the project "Network for the Preservation of Sturgeon and for the Sustainability of the Black Sea Basin Ecosystem”.


Project description:

The SturNet project aims to protect sturgeon populations and preserve the unique ecosystem of the Black Sea basin. Through collaborative research, data collection and model development, our habitat protection efforts will support the sustainable development of the region's natural resources. One of the main objectives is to develop, pilot and deliver an innovative open digital toolkit that will be able to provide free interactive information on sturgeon spawning areas and periods to various stakeholders.

General objective:

The overall objective of the "SturNet" project is primary research, data collection and model development, to pilot and create an innovative digital toolkit that will be able to provide interactive information on sturgeon spawning areas and periods, both by environmental as well as regulatory and commercial stakeholders. In this direction, we aim to contribute to the conservation of sturgeon habitats and aquaculture, and subsequently to the wider sustainability of the Black Sea Basin ecosystem.

Period for performing the services: 15 months, starting with  November 2024.


The expert will perform the following tasks:

1. Collection of historical and current multidisciplinary datasets, including new observations and measurements, to analyze the above atmospheric and aquatic parameters and possible past environmental changes and to validate models.

2. Identify major changes and/or regime shifts, natural and anthropogenic forcing responsible for these changes over the past 50 years.

3. Application of new technologies and methodologies (eg remote sensing, GIS systems, satellite information (SRS)) to record changes in aquatic data.

4. Assessment of current conservation status through ichthyological data, population dynamics of different sturgeon species in combination with genetic diversity of studied populations and water environmental DNA (eDNA) tests to determine symbiotic and pathogenic microbial communities.

5. Biogeographic estimation of sturgeon parasitism and disease, effects of overfishing, and potential effects of temperature and pollutant loads measured in situ on sturgeon physiological performance and fitness.

6. Assess changes in temperature, food in the water column (depth) on physiological performance (e.g. growth, energetics, reproductive system), not only in sturgeon, but also in non-target organisms that can influence sturgeon characteristics and of other antagonistic fish species.

Qualifications and skills required:

- University studies relevant to the request;

- Professional experience in the field, at least 5 years;

- Experience gained in the implementation of other similar projects at international level;

- Professional skills of teamwork;

- Knowledge of English language level C1.

Expected results:

The selected expert will provide the requested services according to the conditions requested by the Ecological Counseling Center Cahul,  in this document and based on the contract signed between the parties (the selected expert and ECC Cahul).

The offer will have the following content:

  • Curriculum vitae
  • The financial offer will be presented in Euros, a total amount for 15 months starting with  November 2024.

All personal data are intended for the internal use of ECC Cahul, confidentiality guaranteed.

Evaluation criteria:

The price indicated in the offer is final and cannot be adjusted after the deadline for submitting offers. The selection of offers will be made on the principle of the lowest price offered according to the requested tasks.

Payment for services rendered:

Payment will be made by bank transfer in MDL in accordance with the service contract.

Offers will be sent electronically:

E-mail: with reference Purchase " Expert Researcher".


The offers will be applied no later than 25 Octomber  2024, at 5:00 p.m.

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