Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin: SturNet Project Launch


We are excited to announce the launch of the SturNet project ,co-funded by the European Union under the Interreg NEXT Black Sea Basin Programme.

Project name:"Network for the Preservation of Sturgeon and the Sustainability of the Black Sea Basin Ecosystem."

Project code and acronym: BSB00172 SturNet

The SturNet project aims to protect sturgeon populations and preserve the Black Sea Basin's unique ecosystem. Through collaborative research, data collection and model development,our habitat protection efforts will support the sustainable development of the region’s natural resources. One of the main goals is to develop, pilot and deliver an innovative open digital toolset that will be able to provide free interactive information about the sturgeons’ areas and periods of reproduction towards different stakeholders.

Leading Partner: Protection of biodiversity in Bulgaria Foundation

Project Partners:


Ecological Counseling Center Cahul (ECC CAHUL), Moldova

Gebze Technical University (GTU), Turkey

Institute of Market & Economic & Ecological Researches of the National Academy of Sciences Ukraine (IMEER), Ukraine

National Research and Development Institute for Marine Geology and Geoecology - NIRD GeoEcoMar, Constanta Branch (GeoEcoMar), Romania

Programme priority: Blue and Smart Region

Duration: 30 months

08/2024 - 02/2027

Total budget: 1 148 409,60 Euros

EU funding: 1 033 568,60 Euros


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