Tender no. 91179820 for the procurement of IT Equipment  

The German Development Cooperation through GIZ is announcing a tender for the procurement of IT Equipment for GIZ Projects.

To request the technical specifications and for clarifications regarding the tender, contact the e-mail address tenders-giz-moldova@giz.de>tenders-giz-moldova@giz.de, no later than 27.03.2024.

Interested bidders are required to submit the following set of documents:

  • Offer (duly signed and stamped), calculated in MDL at 0% VAT and goods delivery time;
  • Certificates of origin for the goods offered;
  • Short description/overview of the company experience and qualification;
  • Contact information for the bidder and responsible person;
  • Bank data including bank name, bank code, and IBAN MDL;
  • Copy of company registration certificate (registration in the Republic of Moldova), as well as other related licenses and permissions;
  • No-debt certificate from the Moldovan State Inspection or copy of the latest financial report.

All documents shall be submitted in a sealed envelope, showing the tender name and number (91179820) on it.

The applications shall be delivered to the address of GIZ Office Chisinau (MD-2001 Chisinau,

73/1 Stefan cel Mare si Sfant Bvd., NBC - National Business Center, 9th floor) not later than 01.04.2024, time 15:00.

Applications submitted after the deadline, or inappropriately sealed, as well as incomplete offers will not be considered.

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