With the support of the European Union in the Republic of Moldova is developed a website on prevention of torture and ill-treatment: https://www.StopTorture.md

Снимок сайтTorture continues to be the subject of discussions in the Republic of Moldova. In the "Human Rights Report" of the US State Department in 2019, cases of torture, as well as inhuman and degrading treatment are described, mainly in prisons and psychiatric units, as well as in police isolation centers, especially in the police stations in regions. In the first half of 2019, the General Prosecutor's Office registered 456 complaints with allegations of torture and inhuman treatment, a larger number of allegations than in the previous year.

In order to fight against the phenomenon of torture, the Institute for Democracy, with the support of the European Union, successfully implements the project "Let All of Us Say NO to Torture in Moldova: Civil Society against Torture". Within the project, a website was developed on how to fight against torture and inhuman and degrading treatment: https://www.StopTorture.md.

The website’s aim is to inform the society, including the victims of torture and their families, about the inadmissibility of torture and the need to take action against this phenomenon.

Here you can find information regarding the National and International Legislation with reference to the fight against torture, information regarding the actual actions that should be taken by a person who claims to have been subjected to acts of torture, inhuman treatment or ill treatment as well as where they can receive support. There you can find about the project "Let All of Us Say NO to Torture in Moldova: Civil Society against Torture" in details, about the implementing organizations, donor, publications and about the project in the media.

The website contains details about the services offered within the Centers of Legal, Psychological and Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture from Comrat, Tiraspol and Chisinau, about the profile of the beneficiaries of these Centers, who can contact these and what support is provided.

Here, you can find video material, radio and TV shows in which are treated the importance of fighting against torture and methods of fighting with it. The content on the website will be added during the course of the project. Along the way, we think about placing a series of books on the page, especially the "Step by Step" edition. The purpose of the publication is to inform the citizens about the means of addressing the European Court, by default, without the services and assistance of a lawyer.

Also there is described the program of sub-grants on the fight against torture for NGOs. The page offers data regarding the Regional Network of NGOs, created within the project. It is a network that unites more than 20 organizations from both banks of the river that devides Moldova and Transnistria, with the purpose of exchanging experience and empowering them in the field of fighting and preventing the phenomenon of torture and ill-treatment. Thus, a new informational resource was created in the Republic of Moldova, with practical recommendations and materials regarding methods of fighting against torture and ill-treatment. Thanks to the website, citizens will be informed about methods of fighting against this phenomenon, as well as what to do and where to go for assistance, in case they or their family members have been subjected to torture or ill-treatment in the police stations, penitentiary isolators or Temporary Placement Centers for People with Disabilities, being informed how to defend their rights.

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