An online workshop on combating torture for penitentiary staff was organized by the Institute for Democracy with the support of the European Union

The coronavirus epidemic has resulted in new forms of work with penitentiary staff in Moldova. On June 26, 2020, an online workshop on combating torture was organized for Moldovan penitentiary staff in Goian Village, at the Educational Center of the National Penitentiary Administration of the RM.

This online workshop was organized by the Institute for Democracy (Comrat) in partnership with the National Institute of Women of Moldova (Chisinau) and the Media Center of Transnistria (Tiraspol) with the financial support of the European Union through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights within the project titled Let Us All Say NO to Torture in Moldova: Civil Society Against Torture.


The coach, Alexandr Zubco, Head of the Department for Combating Torture of the Ombudsman’s Office of the RM, informed the workshop participants of the concept of “torture” and spoke about its inadmissibility in the 21st century.

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The provisions of international and national legislation on combating torture and methods of specific assistance to victims of torture were presented in the view graph format; the participants learned more about criminal liability for torture in their work and inevitable punishment for its use.

The participants actively asked questions to the coach and took part in the discussion, demonstrating great interest in the topic of the workshop. They liked the new remote form of the workshop; view graph presentations and real-time videos allowed the participants gain valuable and useful knowledge while staying absolutely safe. At the end of the workshop, the participants thanked the organizers and the European Union for the opportunity to listen to the new materials in a safe environment.




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