Young People With Hearing Impairments Will Have More Opportunities to Integrate on the Labor Market

EEF-hearing-impairment-projectThe Association of Deaf Children of Moldova starts a project aiming at making more efficient the social integration process of young people with disabilities from Moldova,  through training, ongoing consultancy and informing the actors involved in the process. Thus, the partner will provide a training program for young people with disabilities, particularly for those who have hearing deficiences and for their families in such matters as human rights, including the right to employment. Within this initiative, the organization will inform the representatives of relevant key institutions regarding the protection of rights of people with disabilities and identify concrete solutions for facilitating the process of social integration of these people.

The action will contribute to increasing the level of awareness related to the potential of people with disabilities and the problems they have to cope with, as well as it will create more opportunities for young people to become employed.The project is supported by East Europe Foundation from financial resources offered by the Swedish Government through the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark/DANIDA.