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TOEFL Preparation Course

Achieving a high score on the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) can significantly increase your chances of being aaccepted to universities worldwide. If you're curious about what to expect from the exam, where to find helpful study materials, and how to get started, America House Chisinau invites you to join the TOEFL Preparation Course with Andrei Fiodorov, TOEFL instructor. 

  • November 19 Introduction to TOEFL
  • November 21 Reading 
  • November 26 Listening
  • November 28 Speaking
  • December 3 Writing
  • December 5 Practice Test

The program aims to provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the TOEFL iBT test, including its format, administration, and registration process. The course will also cover the history of the TOEFL program, official TOEFL preparation materials, scoring, and address other test-related questions. Additionally, participants will engage in hands-on practice using questions from previously administered TOEFL tests.

You can register here: 

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