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Youth STEM Research Workshop | NC-Moldova STEM Exchange Program

Join the Young Scientist Academy at America House for a four-day Youth STEM Research workshop! Participants will learn the process of science as it is done in the professional community as they complete a short, hands-on research project combining technology, lab and field research, and science communication. Topics will include investigating water quality, analyzing CO2 emissions, studying climate change, an introduction to Python coding, and more!

Dates and times are:

  • Tuesday Oct. 15th : 4:00 - 6:00pm
  • Wednesday October 16th : 4:00 - 7:00pm
  • Thursday October 17th : 4:00 - 7:00pm

On Friday, October 18th, participants will host an open house for the public to view their research projects from 4:00 - 6:00 pm

You can register here:

The workshops are for high school students 9 - 12 grade! The number of places is limited! Only selected candidates will be invited!

Fall Covers 54


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