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Call for Professional - Seamstress-tailor courses at professional school for participants (Extended period)

Terms of Reference (ToR)

Seamstress-tailor courses at professional school for participants.

Background: Acted is an international NGO that has been working globally for 30 years and in Moldova since February 2022, focusing on humanitarian relief and sustainable growth. With the ongoing Ukrainian crisis, Moldova faces challenges in integrating Ukrainian refugees, who present a mix of needs and opportunities particularly in livelihoods and entrepreneurship.

Purpose: Acted Moldova aims to conduct vocational training for refugees, vulnerable locals and NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) youth in Chisinau with the support of UNHCR, enhancing professional skills in sewing and tailoring, thereby aiding their integration into Moldovan society and improving their employment prospects.

Goals: The courses will allow participants to have essential sewing and tailoring skills, enabling them to seek employment in the textile industry or start their own tailoring businesses.

Scope of courses:

  1. Sewing Basics: Introduction to sewing techniques, fabric types, and tool handling.
  2. Tailoring Skills: Garment construction, pattern making, and alterations.
  3. Machine Operation: Safe and efficient use of sewing machines and related equipment.
  4. Product Design: Creating custom clothing and textile products.

The curriculum may be adjusted based on feedback and training capacity.


  • Develop detailed training plans, including thematic modules and learning objectives.
  • Prepare comprehensive training materials and practical exercises.
  • Organize and conduct hands-on training sessions.
  • Monitor and evaluate participant progress and course effectiveness.

Duration and time frame: The training for a group of ~ 5-7 participants will last ~4 months and will take place approximately in June-September 2025, with courses held at a professional school in Chisinau.

Required qualifications:

  • Education and certification in tailoring and sewing.
  • At least one year of experience in sewing, tailoring or related fields.
  • Strong communication skills and proficiency in Russian; Romanian is an asset.

Bid requirements:

  • Suitability statement.
  • Cover letter highlighting relevant experience.
  • Detailed financial proposal.
  • Exact duration and schedule of the training program in their proposal.
  • References from three organizations/former students who have completed the courses.

Deadline for submission: Proposals must be submitted by 17.03.2025 18:00 COB

Final reporting: Includes a professional Competence Certificate, a Completion Certificate from Acted, and an invoice. Reports are due within 7 days after the training concludes, with payment issued upon approval.

This ToR outlines the expectations for professional schools to aid in vocational training, focusing on practical sewing and tailoring skills and market integration for participants, particularly Ukrainian refugees in Moldova.

Proposals should be submitted electronically to the designated Acted email addresses, as follows:   / / 

Contact information: /


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