Termen extins- Centru de Drept al Avocatilor contracts a Legal and policy Consultant on EU integration in employment and labor migration field for the Implementation Unit within MLSP

Centru de Drept al Avocatilor contracts a Legal and policy Consultant on EU integration in employment and labor migration field for the Implementation Unit within MLSP


Job title:

Legal and policy Consultant on EU integration in employment and labour migration field

Place of service:


Type of contract:

Full-time service contract until 31.12.2025


Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family

Publication date:

09 January 2025

Deadline for submitting CV:

30 January 2025


In March 2022, Moldova submitted its application for EU membership. After granting EU candidate status to Moldova additional efforts of the Moldovan Government to prepare for the harmonization of the national legislation and policies with the EU acquis Communautaire have been made.

Following the European Council’s decision from December 2023 on opening the accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova (Ministry) presides two working groups on Chapter no. 2 on Free Movement of Workers and no. 19 on Social Policy and Employment.

Therefore, the Ministry need to consolidate the efforts in order to advance the process of EU integration via the harmonization of the national legislation and policies with the EU acquis, especially in the employment and labour migration field.

Consequently, the main focus of the chapter 2 is on the exercise of the right to free movement and of improvement of personal and professional situation of workers, and to fill job vacancies and skills shortages; and on setting out rules on the functioning of European network of employment services (EURES). The chapter 19 is focused on the employment guidelines that are aligned with the European Pillar of Social Rights, thus being centred on enhancing the functioning of labour market; improving access to employment, skills and competences; and promoting equal opportunities for all.

Changes are to be made to the legal framework on the integration of foreigners, the national framework being adjusted to EU directives, with emphasis placed on increasing the role of the state in promoting the integration/reintegration process through diversified information, creating opportunities for self-employment, promoting cultural diversity, ensuring the fulfilment of migrants’ rights etc. In the context of current EU integration processes, existing challenges related to the high influx of the Ukrainian refugees and third country nationals, and risks of irregular migration to Moldova, the Ministry is updating its policy framework aiming to ensure the development of a labour integration policy.



  • Support the Ministry in adapting the country’s legal framework to the EU legislation on the employment field.
  • Drafting laws, governmental decisions transposing EU Directives on the labour migration, with the focus on labour integration of foreigners and especially refugees.
  • Support the Ministry to access EU and other relevant funds, with the focus on refugees integration funds.
  • Support the Ministry by drafting the contributions to the EU reports, questionnaires, and other document in regards with the employment and labour migration field.
  • Support the Ministry in developing tables of concordance of EU acts with national legal framework.
  • Developing Impact assessment on the EU legal acts.
  • Support the Ministry by participating in meetings and other duties, as assigned by the relevant line management at the Ministry.
  • Work closely with the departments within the Ministry and with other working groups where the Ministry’s team is involved.
  • Perform any other job-related duties as required.

Required Qualifications and Experience

  • An advanced university degree (master’s level or above) in political studies, international relations, public administration, finance, law, or other related areas relevant for the assignment.
  • At least 3 years of relevant professional experience and/or EU integration/coordination of public policies.
  • Working experience with a central public authority will be an advantage.
  • Working experience in EU legislation transposing will be an advantage.
  • Good knowledge of computer skills.
  • Advanced level of English with a strong ability to speak and write.
  • Skills required in developing and implementing a policy review.

Performance indicators

  • Quality of work.
  • Flexibility in responding to Ministry requests.
  • Advancement in EU integration in the fields of employment and labour migration.


  • Flexibility, solutions-oriented, time management skills, ability to keep calm under pressure, strong analytical and writing skills.
  • Ability to work independently, as well as part of a diverse and multi-sectoral team.
  • Good understanding and compliance to supervisory and reporting lines.
  • Develops and promotes effective collaboration within and across units to achieve shared goals and optimize results.
  • Encourages and contributes to clear and open communication.

CDA is committed to ensuring the diversity of the workforce. Women and men, people with disabilities, Roma and other ethnic or religious minorities, people living with HIV, LGBTQI+, as well as refugees and other people who have the legal right to work in the Republic of Moldova are encouraged to apply.

Please provide details in your CV of previous employment and two references.


Please send a cover letter and CV to law-center@cda.md, indicating the position applied for. Selected applicants will be contacted by email.

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