Call for Proposal (3 Lots in total) - Individual Mentorship and Advocacy for Entrepreneurship and Business Development Trainings – Lot №1 / Marketing basics & Smm– Lot №2 / Business plan writing – Lot №3

Call for Proposal (3 Lots in total) - Individual Mentorship and Advocacy for Entrepreneurship and Business Development Trainings – Lot №1 / Marketing basics & Smm– Lot №2 / Business plan writing – Lot №3

  1. Individual Mentorship and Advocacy for Entrepreneurship and Business Development Trainings – Lot №1

This activity is elaborated to provide technical support to our participants in Business plan writing  and startups opening/legal entities registration.

  • Period and duration of service provision:  August-October 2024.(estimated~60 days, ~90hours)
  • Location: Chisinau
  1. Training topic: “Marketing basics & SMM – LOT №2”

This activity is second part of business trainings, we organized in June 2024.

  • Duration: 2 days   
  • Training on Thursday, 1st August 2024 for first group (15 participants) and second group (15 participants) is scheduled for Monday, 5th August 2024
  • Location: Chisinau
  1. Training topic: “Business plan writing – LOT №3

This activity is second part of business trainings , we organized in June 2024 as well.

  • Duration: 2 days   
  • Training on Friday, 2nd August 2024 for first group (15 participants) and second group (15 participants) is scheduled for Tuesday, 6th August 2024
  • Location: Chisinau


Proposals should be submitted electronically to the designated Acted email addresses, as follows: /   / /

Сontact information:  /


Below detailed information on each LOT :


Terms of Reference (ToR)

Individual Mentorship and Advocacy for Entrepreneurship and Business Development Trainings – Lot №1

Linkul pentru termenii de referință LOT 1 : (TOR_Mentorship LOT1_ August - October 2024_ G4ZAEC _ DDL25.07.2024 (1).pdf - Google Drive)



ACTED is an international NGO committed to immediate humanitarian relief to support those in urgent need and promote inclusive and sustainable growth. For the past 30 years, Acted has been going the last mile to save lives. It relies on an in-depth knowledge of local territories and contexts to develop relevant long-term actions, with a wide range of local and international partners, building together a “3ZERO world: Zero Exclusion, Zero Carbon, Zero Poverty.   

Acted endeavors to respond to humanitarian crises and build resilience; promote inclusive and sustainable growth; co-construct effective governance and support the building of civil society worldwide by investing in people and their potential. 

In 2024, Moldova continues to grapple with the challenges of integrating Ukrainian refugees who have sought shelter and stability within its borders due to ongoing conflicts and instability in Ukraine. The situation for Ukrainian refugees in Moldova presents a complex mix of needs, opportunities, and challenges, particularly concerning livelihoods and entrepreneurship. 

       Moldova's evolving market landscape presents opportunities for small-scale entrepreneurship in various sectors, including agriculture, tourism, crafts, beauty sector and other services. Ukrainian refugees with entrepreneurial aspirations can explore these opportunities with appropriate support and guidance.  

Despite the challenges they face, many of them demonstrate resilience, adaptability, and a strong desire to rebuild their lives and contribute positively to their host communities. 

       Addressing their needs, providing opportunities for livelihoods and entrepreneurship, and promoting their integration into Moldovan society are essential steps toward ensuring their well-being and fostering social cohesion in the country. 

Purpose of the Assignment. 

Acted Moldova, with UNHCR support, will conduct Entrepreneurship and Business Development Training to boost business skills and encourage entrepreneurship among vulnerable people, including refugees from Ukraine in Moldova. This aims to help integrate refugees into Moldovan society long-term.

In addition to promoting economic inclusion, the program will support refugees from Ukraine and vulnerable Moldovan populations in achieving sustainable livelihoods and prosperity through:

  • Enhancing Entrepreneurial Skills & Leadership: Offering individual mentorship on essential entrepreneurial skills like business planning, marketing, financial management, and customer relations.
  • Increasing Financial Literacy: Tailored individual guidance will improve understanding of budgeting, saving, investing, and debt management, empowering participants to make informed financial decisions for sustainable livelihoods.
  • Guidance on Business Registration: Providing practical, personalized guidance on setting up and running a business in Moldova, covering legal requirements and marketing strategies.
  • Promoting Sustainable Practices: Integrating sustainability principles, environmental conservation, and social responsibility into business activities. This encourages eco-friendly practices, green technologies, and ethical business models for environmental and social well-being.

Participants will receive individual support on legal requirements and regulations governing business operations in Moldova, ensuring compliance and mitigating risks. Additionally, participants will receive guidance on basic financial concepts such as budgeting, cash flow management, and financial reporting to effectively manage their business finances.

In this context Acted is seeking an experienced individual mentor (LOT №1) to provide comprehensive mentorship and advocacy to refugees and vulnerable populations in Moldova, developing essential entrepreneurial skills and supporting business initiation and development.

The mentorship activities will include both online and offline sessions.

Duties/Tasks and Expected Output. 

The mentor shall undertake the following tasks:

  • Individual Mentorship Development: Create a personalized mentorship plan that includes specific objectives and methods tailored to each beneficiary's needs.
  • Conducting Mentorship Sessions: Provide ongoing individual mentorship sessions, ensuring engagement and practical orientation of the guidance. Utilize active learning methods such as one-on-one discussions, role-playing, and simulations.
  • Analysis of Mentorship Results and Preparation of Reports: Analyze assessment data to evaluate the effectiveness of the mentorship and prepare reports on the performance of the mentorship sessions.

Duration and Time Frame. 

Mentorship sessions will be conducted both online (via Zoom, Skype, Teams calls etc.) and offline in Chisinau and other suitable locations. The assignment is expected to be implemented between August 2024 to October 2024. However, a detailed implementation plan is to be developed in consultation with the ACTED Project Team upon acceptance of the bidding offer.


Key Deliverables. August - October 2024


Number of beneficiaries

Estimated hours, per beneficiary

Estimated duration, total hours

Mentorship sessions


Variable, as per needs (~2 - 3 h)


Final Report

Write the assignment final report up to 5 days after trainings


1 days

Required Qualifications. 

Education & Work Experience

  • University/bachelor’s degree in economics, Finance, Accounting, or a related discipline.
  • Familiarity with the socio-economic context in Republic of Moldova.
  • Strong understanding of livelihood interventions, economic empowerment, and poverty reduction strategies. 
  • Specialized courses and training – as an advantage.

Work Experience Requirements

  • Experience in providing individual mentorship on Open & Run small business or Start-Ups, and/or topics related to business planning, marketing, financial management, and customer relations.
  • Documented successful experience in organizing similar mentorship sessions with provision of case studies.
  • High skills in clear and precise information delivery, excellent communication abilities.
  • Knowledge of modern teaching methodologies and technologies, as well as the ability to apply them effectively.
  • Strong organizational skills, attention to detail, and the ability to effectively manage multiple tasks.
  • Collaboration skills to work closely with project team, stakeholders, and partners to ensure alignment of mentorship objectives with project goals.


Mentorship will be conducted in Russian. 

Fluency (oral and written) in Russian is required. 

Knowledge of Romanian language will be an asset.

Desirable Qualifications

  • Strong organizational, analytical, and problem-solving skills.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills.
  • Excellent networking, partnership building, and interpersonal skills.
  • Good computer and other IT skills.
  • Proven ability to work in a multicultural environment and as part of a team.
  • Experience in working with various stakeholders, including persons with disabilities, minorities, and vulnerable groups.

Bid Requirements. 

Mentor who meets the above requirements should submit bids, which at minimum include the following:

  • Suitability statement, including commitment to availability for the entire assignment.
  • Cover letter highlighting the main relative experience.
  • Provide detailed information on the consultant's qualifications and experience. Include an updated Curriculum Vitae that clearly outlines the consultant's expertise and relevant experience. Additionally, specify the consultant's level of effort and commitment to the project.
  • Preferably contacts of 3 (three) organizations that have recently contracted the consultant to conduct relevant studies.
  • Samples of similar and/or related work done previously.
  • Budget financial proposal must indicate all-inclusive and/or additional costs for conducting the assignment.
  • The selected mentor/facilitator will be responsible for designing and executing all the activities described in this TOR in coordination/consultation with the Acted Project Team.

The selection process of the mentor/facilitator will be based on the set of criteria developed by the Project Team to evaluate the proposals. The Project Team & Acted Logistic Department will evaluate the proposals using the combined scoring method. Technical proposals will be evaluated on 60%; whereas financial proposals will be evaluated on 40%. The short-listed bidding consultant or companies/CSO may be asked for a formal presentation/meeting prior to the final selection.

Deadline and Submission of Expression of Interest for “Mentorship - LOT №1”

Acted invites interested mentor(s) to submit the following documents

 by [25.07.2024], 18.00 COB

Final Report and Payments

This section outlines expectations in terms of final reporting and payments.

Implementation of mentorship sessions will be during August till end of September, and will be divided into 2 main lines:

  • Activity №1 in August - individual support with “writing a business plan & business idea pitching”
  • Payment for the first part of service provision: after September 15th.

Mentor to provide interim report and evidence on sessions/consultations provided for the first period (video, photo, recordings of sessions, screen shots, attendance sheets and etc.)

Before processing the payment, a Completion Certificate will be issued and signed by both parties.

  • Activity №2 in September – individual support with “Legal Entity (e.g. SRL) business registration”, offline and online consultations, support, if necessary, assistance with collecting documents, etc.
  • Payment after October 15th for the second part of activity.

The Final report will document the context in which the mentorship sessions took place.

The deadline for sending the report is up to 5 days after completion of second mentorship sessions.

Approval of the final report by the Acted Project Team (PM) will be the basis for issuing of the second payment for the second services provided.

Before processing the payment, a Completion Certificate will be issued and signed by both parties.

Proposals should be submitted electronically to the designated Acted email addresses, as follows: /   / /

Сontact information:  /


Kindly include the LOT number you are applying for in the email subject line. Thank you.


Terms of Reference (ToR)

Marketing basics & SMM – LOT №2

Linkul pentru termenii de referință LOT 2 : (TOR_Marketing basics LOT2 _ training on 1st August+5thAugust 2024_ G4ZAEC _ DDL25.07.2024 (1).pdf - Google Drive)


The training should strike a balance between theoretical concepts and practical, hands-on exercises to help participants apply what they learn to their own business ideas and marketing challenges. Ample time should be allocated for group discussions, case studies, and feedback sessions to foster a collaborative learning environment.

The training session will be provided to 30 participants divided into 2 groups of 15 participants (mentioned participants have already attended Business & Entrepreneurship trainings in June 2024, Phase1).

Total number of training sessions - 2 days.

First group will attend training on Thursday, 1st August 2024 and second group is scheduled for Monday, 5th August 2024

Training Objectives

The primary objectives of training are to:

  • Provide an introduction to core marketing principles and strategies for small businesses and entrepreneurs
  • Teach participants how to effectively leverage social media platforms to market their products/services
  • Equip participants with practical skills and knowledge to implement basic marketing and social media campaigns

Target Audience

The training is designed for:

  • Ukrainian refugees and TCN’s living in Moldova who are interested in starting a small business (participants which have already attended business trainings, Phase 1, June 2024)
  • Members of the local vulnerable Moldovan community who are aspiring entrepreneurs (participants which have already attended business trainings, Phase 1 , June 2024)

Among the existing list of selected participants there are those who have already had experience in business running and those who are just preparing to open their own companies and startups.

So, the training session should accommodate participants with varying levels of marketing and digital experience, from complete beginners to those with some prior knowledge.

Training Curriculum

The training will cover the following key topics: the final version will be discussed and refined in collaboration with the trainer.

  • Marketing Basics
  • Introduction to marketing concepts and terminology
  • Understanding target audience and market segmentation
  • Branding and brand positioning
  • Pricing strategies and tactics
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Overview of popular social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok etc.)
  • Creating engaging social media content
  • Running social media advertising campaigns
  • Measuring social media marketing performance
  • Research and Analysis
  • Conducting market research to understand customers and competitors
  • Analyzing market trends and opportunities
  • Collecting and interpreting market data
  • Practical Exercises
  • Participant exercises to apply marketing and SMM concepts (demonstration of launching targeted advertising on social media, etc.)
  • Setting goals, objectives, and KPIs
  • Budgeting and resource allocation
  • Group presentations and feedback sessions


Training Delivery

The training will be delivered through a combination of:

  • Interactive presentations and lectures
  • Group discussions and Q&A sessions
  • Hands-on exercises and case studies
  • Putting it all together: creating a comprehensive marketing plan

Training materials, including PP presentation (to be shared with participants after training session), workbooks, and resource lists, will be provided to all participants.

Trainer Requirements

The ideal trainer for this program should have the following qualifications:

  • Experience in marketing and/or social media marketing (SMM)
  • Proven track record of delivering effective training programs for entrepreneurs and small businesses
  • Strong knowledge of the local Moldovan market and familiarity with the marketing trends in neighborhood countries (worldwide)
  • Fluency in both Russian/ Romanian to effectively communicate with the target audience
  • Ability to create a positive, engaging, and supportive learning environment

Training Duration and Schedule

The training will be conducted full day 9:00 to 18:00, with short coffee breaks and lunch.

Logistics and Support

The training venue will be provided in Chisinau, hotel venue and premises (to be provided later).  Necessary training equipment (a laptop, projector, whiteboard, flipchart, markers etc.) will be available. Project staff will assist with administrative and logistical arrangements. There are no transportation allowances or reimbursement for out-of-Chisinau trainers. Printing and handout materials to be provided by trainer.

There will be food provision for a full day of training (snacks and fruits during coffee-breaks and lunch, incl vegetarian/fasting menu) covered by Acted.

Application Process

Interested trainers should submit:

  • A detailed CV highlighting relevant experience.
  • A brief proposal outlining the training approach and methodology.
  • References from previous training engagements.
  • Financial offer per day of training, all additional costs included.

Evaluation and Certification

 The training will also include:

  • Pre- and post-training assessments to measure learning outcomes (Google Form or similar to be shared with Acted project team), including Feedback Surveys to gather participant insights and improve future programs.


Delivery of the training:

Scheduled for 1.08.2024 for first group and 5.08.2024 for second group (~15 participants in each). 

Submission of the final report: Within one week after the training.

Deadline and Submission of Expression of Interest “Marketing basics LOT №2”

 - by 25.07.2024 ,18.00 COB

Budget and Payment

The trainer will be compensated based on an agreed-upon revenue.

Payment will be made upon completion and submission of all deliverables and final report.

Upon payment there will be a Completion Certificate signed between Acted and trainer.

Proposals should be submitted electronically to the designated Acted email addresses, as follows: /   / /

Сontact information:  /


Kindly include the LOT number you are applying for in the email subject line. Thank you.


Terms of Reference (ToR)


Business plan writing – LOT №3

Linkul pentru termenii de referință LOT 3 : (TOR _ Business Plan LOT3_training on 2nd August +6th August 2024_ G4ZAEC _ DDL25.07.2024 (1).pdf - Google Drive)


Business Plan Writing and Business Idea Pitching


These Terms of Reference (ToR) outline the responsibilities and expectations for a trainer to conduct a one-day training session focused on Business Plan Writing and Business Idea Pitching. The training session is part of Livelihoods initiatives project implemented by ACTED in collaboration with UNHCR aiming to empower vulnerable communities through entrepreneurship​ and targets future entrepreneurs, including Ukrainian refugees, TCN’s and members of the local community in the Republic of Moldova.

Training Objectives

The key objectives for a training session are to:

  • Provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of how to write an effective business plan
  • Teach participants the fundamentals of pitching their business ideas to potential investors, donors, partners and customers
  • Equip participants with practical skills and tools to develop their own business plans and pitch decks

Training Curriculum

The 1-day training will cover the following key topics:

  • Business Plan - Essentials
  • Understanding the purpose and structure of a business plan
  • Conducting market research and analysis
  • Developing a marketing and sales strategy
  • Creating financial projections and budgets
  • Writing an executive summary and company overview
  • “Pitching” Your Business Idea
  • Crafting a compelling value proposition
  • Structuring a pitch deck with key elements
  • Delivering an effective pitch presentation
  • Handling questions and objections
  • Identifying and targeting the right audience
  • Practical Exercises
  • Participant exercises to apply business plan and pitching concepts
  • Development of a basic business plan and pitch deck for a business idea
  • Group presentations (in 3-4 groups) and feedback session

Participants profile

Future entrepreneurs, in majority consisting of Ukrainian refugees, third country nationals (TCN’s) and local vulnerable community members. (out of preselected participants which have already attended business trainings June 2024, Phase №1). Despite the fact that among participants there are many individuals with existing experience in business running & administration, we assume that participants of “Business plan writing” session will have varying levels of business knowledge and experience.

Training Duration and Format

The training will be conducted over one full working day from 9:00 till 18.00 with 2 short coffee breaks and one proper lunch.  The format will include instructional sessions, practical exercises, group discussions, and Q&A periods.


  • A comprehensive training agenda and curriculum.
  • Training materials (e.g., slide decks, templates, examples of successful business plans and pitches).
  • A post-training report summarizing participant feedback, key observations, and recommendations for future sessions.

Trainer Qualifications

The ideal trainer should have:

  • Extensive experience in business plan development and pitching.
  • Strong training and facilitation skills, with a track record of conducting similar training sessions.
  • The ability to engage and motivate a diverse group of participants.
  • Familiarity with the challenges faced by refugees and local entrepreneurs in Moldova.


Logistics and Support

The training venue will be in Chisinau, Hotel venue (address and location will be provided later).  Necessary training equipment such as a laptop for PP presentation, projector+ screen, flip charts, markers will be provided. However, hand out materials, paper, etc. to be provided by trainer.  Acted project team will assist with logistical and administrative arrangements, if there is a need.


  • Preparation and development of training materials: at least 1 week prior to the training date.
  • Delivery of the training session:

Scheduled for Friday - 2.08.2024 for the First Group (~15 participants)

                         Tuesday – 6.08.2024 for the Second Group (~15 participants).

Submission of the post-training report: Within no more than one 1 week following the training session.

Application Process

Interested trainers should submit:

  • A detailed CV highlighting relevant experience.
  • A brief proposal outlining the training approach and methodology.
  • References from previous training engagements.
  • Full commitment to assignment and availability for mentioned training sessions
  • Financial offer per day of training, with all additional costs included.

Deadline and Submission of Expression of Interest “Business plan writing LOT №3” – by 25.07.2024 18.00 COB

Budget and Payment

The trainer will be compensated at an upon-agreed rate.

There will be issued and signed a Completion Certificate between Acted and trainer.

Payment will be issued upon the successful completion, post-training report and submission of all deliverables.


Proposals should be submitted electronically to the designated Acted email addresses, as follows: /   / /

Сontact information:  /


Kindly include the LOT number you are applying for in the email subject line. Thank you.