IPIS Moldova/ Call for proposals: two local experts for national digitalisation programme ETCO

Institute for Strategic Initiatives (IPIS) announces competition for the selection of two local experts within the framework of the project «Support for the Reform Office».  IPIS is seeking a Legal/Policy Expert and Overall Coordinator and an expert in education with a background in ICT.

Objective:  Consultancy services for development and delivery the Digital Society Development Program in the framework of the implementation of the Digital Transformation Strategy of the Republic of Moldova 2023 – 2030.

Period:  June – September 2024

 Interested individual consultants are invited to submit their applications by June 9, 2024, 22-00 (Chisinau time), to info@ipis.mdand andrei.cusca@mded.gov.md with the following documents, submitted in English:

– letter of intent to include a brief overview about the previous experiences in the field;

– detailed CV.

For more details on project activities and consultant’s profile please consult the Terms of reference: https://www.ipis.md/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/PC_ToR_Digi-Trans_EN.pdf

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