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ICLA Officer Moldova Chisinau


All NRC employees are expected to work in accordance with the organization's core values: dedication, innovation, inclusivity and accountability. These attitudes and believes shall guide our actions and relationships.
In response to the large-scale displacement of refugees fleeing Ukraine, NRC is in the process of implementing humanitarian operations for refugees arriving in Romania and Moldova. NRC will respond, focusing on an integrated approach that combines its sectoral areas of expertise – education, protection, urban displacement outside camps, legal aid (ICLA) and shelter – working to a great extent through local partners.

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is working with the Moldovan government and partners on a variety of projects connected to the Ukraine crisis. NRC is helping to ensure that Ukrainian refugees have somewhere safe to sleep, that children can go to school, and that families can access social support systems.

1. Role and responsibilities

The purpose of the ICLA officer position is day to day implementation of the ICLA Program.

Generic responsibilities:

1. Ensure adherence with NRC policies, tools, handbooks and guidelines
2. Implement delegated ICLA project portfolio according to plan of action
3. Prepare and develop status reports as required by management
4. Ensure proper filing of documents
5. Ensure that projects target beneficiaries most in need, and explore and asses new and better ways to assist
6. Promote and share ideas for technical improvementSpecific responsibilities:

  1. Identification of key locations for information, counselling and legal assistance services delivery.
  2. Provides direct field support and coaching to the field, incentive workers.
  3. Identification of outreach areas and ensure proper tasks distribution of filed, incentive workers.
  4. Ensures understanding and application of NRC guidelines upon outreach implementation.
  5. Coordinates activities with community-bases organisations for joint activities.
  6. Ensure regular quality assurance exercises as requested line manager.
  7. Ensure safe identification and referral of persons in need online a specific service.

Ensure proper data entry according to NRC internal procedures.  Assist and support with administrative/logistics/finance tasks requested by line manager. Perform any other tasks as requested by line manager.

2. Competencies

1. Professional competencies
These are skills, knowledge and experience that are important for effective performance.

Generic professional competencies:

  •    Experience from working as a Project Officer in a humanitarian/recovery context
    • Previous experience from working in complex and volatile contexts
    • Documented results related to the position’s responsibilities
    • Some knowledge of English
    • Fluency in Romanian, both written and oral.

Context/ Specific skills, knowledge and experience:

  • Good knowledge of the refugee context in the Republic of Moldova.
  • Knowledge of the software programs (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
  • Knowledge of Ukraine or Russian languages.

Kindly note that empty or incomplete applications as well as CVs received via email will not be considered official and will not be processed.

Salary : 25288 mdl brut


Apply Before03/21/2024, 10:59 PM


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