Acted is hiring DRR Senior Project Officer in Chisinau

ACTED (Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development) is an international NGO founded in 1993 and headquartered in Paris. Its activities range from emergency relief to development projects. With a team of 5,900 national staff and 400 international staff, ACTED is active in 41 countries and implements more than 500 projects a year, reaching over 20 million beneficiaries. The unprecedented humanitarian disaster faced by the Ukrainians is taking a dramatic turn, and millions of people are displaced in various areas. ACTED helps ensuring they can receive the basic support they need, including water, food and hot meals, blankets, hygiene supplies and access to mobile heating points.

ACTED is fully mobilized in Moldova and needs your help!

ACTED has a zero-tolerance approach to sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment (SEAH) and ensures that only those who share and demonstrate our values are recruited. All candidates will be subject to satisfactory references and screening checks in line with legal requirements. Any candidate offered a job will sign ACTED’s Code of Conduct and related policies as part of their work contract. All staff are expected to abide by the standards of behavior outlined in those documents.

Please note that any candidate offered a job will sign the Code of Conduct, and related policies, as part of their work contract. Misconduct can lead to dismissal.

ACTED is looking for a DRR Senior Officer to join our team.

As a Senior Project Officer within the DRR project, this role is central to the development and execution of training programs, leading comprehensive needs and capacity assessments, and fostering strong relationships with Local Partner Authorities (LPAs). The Senior Project Officer takes a hands-on approach, conducting field mentoring visits to provide technical support and guidance for farmers and CSOs. Beyond these responsibilities, the officer ensures the seamless implementation of DRR training activities, contributes to progress reports, and collaborates closely with the field team. Directly reporting to the Deputy Project Manager, the Senior Project Officer plays a crucial role in achieving impactful outcomes for project beneficiaries.


Program de lucru:Full-time

Experiență:Constituie un avantajde la 1 an

Nivelul de studii:Superioare

Salariul: 25 000



  • Prepare the work plan and time schedules for implementing all related project activities.
  • Conduct a desk review of documents related to Disaster Risk Reduction in Moldova, including the national legal framework, policies, and other relevant projects implemented in the last year.
  • Perform a desk review of all documents related to Acted Flagship GOCA and prepare all the tools needed to conduct the GOCA assessments.
  • Conduct a desk review of the GOCA training manual and develop the training plan, schedule, and agenda for all the training.
  • Map all the CSOs active in Moldova and create a disaggregation table with clear identification of CSOs' location, area of working, sector of working, size, etc.
  • Map all the LPAs in the project targeting locations and prepare a field visits and engagement plan.
  • Coordinate and implement day-to-day project activities with the DRR consultant and LPAs in the field, ensuring that technical quality and standards are considered and respected during project implementation.
  • Ensure project activities are on time, target, and budget, using effective M&E systems to reach desired impacts.
  • Under the supervision of the DPM, Lead the process of CSOs capacity assessment using ACTED Grassroots Organization Capacity Assessment (GOCA) tools and guidelines.
  • Develop a CSO assessment report that reflects the findings of the GOCA assessment with a set of recommendations and support plans to ensure the development of the supported CSO.


  • University Degree
  • Professional Experiences
  • Experiences in International NGO
  • Computer Skills ( Microsoft Office Software, PMP, TOT)
  • LPA and CSO engagement experience,
  • Experience in developing and conducting training,
  • Experience in monitoring and follow up activities
  • Experience in social work
  • Languages: English, Romanian, Russian


  • Official employment;
  • Competitive salary depending on knowledge and experience;
  • Unique experience in an international organization;
  • Our employees can benefit from Acted Academy trainings (Ex: Excel basics, Excel medium, Excel expert, Outlook, Mental Health, etc.)
  • Unlimited access to coffee and tea;
  • Special benefits package for employees;
  • Opportunities for growth and development;
  • Working closely with international staff;
  • Fresh fruit mix in the office;
  • Psychological support through sessions.
  • We have a small library where everyone can borrow or bring books.

In order to apply for this position please follow the below sample suggestions:
-        CV in PDF format with no more than 1-4 pages in ENGLISH language - named as First_Last_Name_ desired position_CV;
-        Send Letter of intention name as - First_LastName_desired position_Letter of Intention.

Please apply only if you are able to work full time.

Before applying, please make sure that you have read the requirements for the position and that you qualify.
Applications from non-qualifying applicants will most likely be discarded by the recruiting manager. Send your application (resume and cover letter) to

Please also mention the name, position and contact details of at least two references, including the line manager during your last job. Family members are to be excluded.

ACTED - reserves the right to cancel the selection process at any time.
*All of the information you provide during the application process will only be used for the purpose of progressing your application, or to fulfil legal or regulatory requirements if necessary. It will be held securely by us whether the information is in electronic or physical format.  

DEADLINE - 27/01/2024

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