GIZ - Component Manager for Strengthening of Economic Development Structures

The German Development Cooperation (GIZ) is looking for a Component Manager for Strengthening of Economic Development Structures to join the “Strong Businesses and Communities for Moldova” Project team. This project is financed by the European Union, Swiss Government, as well as the German Government.

This position is planned to start on 01 February 2024 and last for a 12-month period with the possibility to extend.

The permanent workplace for this position is in Chisinau.

The overall responsibilities covered by this position are as follows:

  • Independently managing the component “Strengthening of Economic Development Structures”
  • Providing professional advice to partners and cooperating with important public and private stakeholders
  • Supervising and coordination of subordinated the staff of the component
  • Managing and monitoring the component budget in consultation with the Programme Director
  • Ensuring knowledge management and transfer, monitoring and reporting
  • Ensuring conformity of all work processes to GIZ rules and orientation.

Required qualifications:

  • Master’s degree or other equivalent graduation in Economics, Business Administration, Organisational Development, or other relevant fields;
  • At least 10 years of professional working experience in the area of private sector development, with a focus on SME linkages and investment promotion;
  • Proven track record in providing high-quality, development-relevant analysis and policy advice in areas such as policy planning processes and policy coherence;
  • Professional experience in development cooperation is required;
  • Experience in coordinating complex multi-stakeholder processes;
  • Proven experience in coordinating and implementing capacity development programmes;
  • Work experience with the private sector is an asset;
  • Excellent network within the governmental and private sector environment in Moldova; ability to establish and coordinate networks consisting of a wide range of partners from diverse backgrounds, including high-level government official and private sector executives;
  • Solid competences in the field of context and conflict sensitive environments;
  • Problem-solving skills, the ability to negotiate, team skills, and excellent communication skills, interpersonal and management skills;
  • Leadership skills and motivation to take over complex tasks;
  • Proven excellent written and verbal skills in Romanian and English and exceptional writing skills both for traditional and electronic media are mandatory. This also includes the ability to write reports for project stakeholder. Proficiency in Russian and/or German language would be an advantage;
  • Fluency in the use of software applications, such as Excel, Word and PowerPoint, Microsoft 365 as well as other widely used online applications;
  • Ability to work under pressure to tight deadlines with excellent time management skills;
  • Moldovan citizenship or holding permanent resident status in Moldova.

Applications, including detailed CV, references and motivation letter shall be sent not later than 29.12.2023, time 15:00 to the address

Please mention the position name in the title of your application message. Only shortlisted candidates will be asked for an interview. The finalist will be offered a fixed-term employment contract based on a 40-hour weekly work programme and concluded in line with the national labour legislation.

Please note that applications received after the deadline will not be considered. GIZ retains the discretion to re-advertise the position, to cancel the recruitment or offer an appointment at a lower grade or with a modified job description.

GIZ is committed to employment equity in the workplace and encourages qualified candidates from all backgrounds to apply.

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