Project Hope Moldova invites interested companies to submit their offers for: ITB-REF-25-Feb-19 – Non Portable Medical Equipment for MMUs

Project HOPE, the People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc., is a global health and humanitarian non-profit organization with 65 years of experience in 100+ countries, empowering local health workers and addressing urgent health needs through 500+ programs, is a global health and humanitarian non-profit organization dedicated to providing long-lasting solutions to global health problems, placing power in the hands of local health workers, and improving the quality of life for the world's most vulnerable people.

Project HOPE Moldova invites interested companies to submit their offers for:

Procurement of Medical Equipment for MMU Program Activity in Telenesti (IMSP Centrul de Sanate Telenesti), Floresti (IMSP Centrul Medicilor de Familie Floresti), Stefan Voda (IMSP Centrul de Sanatate Stefan Voda)

Purpose of the procurement: The purpose of procuring medical equipment for Mobile Medical Units (MMUs) activities in Telenesti, Floesti, Stefan Voda is to enhance healthcare accessibility and quality for underserved populations in these regions. This initiative aims to provide essential medical services, conduct health screenings, and offer immediate care to residents, thereby improving overall public health, reducing healthcare disparities, and ensuring timely medical interventions for those with limited access to conventional healthcare facilities.

More details are provided in ITB-REF-25-Feb-19– Non Portable Medical Equipment for MMUs (procurement documentation can be requested by email:

For any questions regarding the Invitation to Bid, please contact us via email at

Application Deadline: 02 March 2025, 23:59 (Moldova Timezone).

Thank you and we look forward to receiving your proposal.

Project HOPE Supply Chain team.

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