Updated: UNICEF Moldova LRPS-2024-9188170 Event management support in organizing 3 training sessions to strengthen capacities of specialists from transdisciplinary teams

UPDATE 15.02.2024

The  QA file LRPS-2024-9188170 was updated.


UPDATED 02.02.2024 Additional information:

- The dates for the first training session are updated.  - 1st training session- 11-15 March 2024.


- Details for the flight arrangements for the 5 international experts:

– checked luggage 20 kg for every expert must be included.


- 1 expert from Columbus (USA) - departure from Port Columbus International Airport (CMH)

For March: departure from USA on Friday March 8th, arrival on Saturday 9th.  Flight back on Saturday 16th. Same timeframe in May


- 2 experts from Oporto (Portugal)

The experts (2) prefer to be on the same flights to Moldova


- 1 expert from Amsterdam (Netherlands)

The flight shouldn’t be early in the morning since the expert needs extra time to get to the airport. Arrival on Saturday ( both in March and May)


- 1 expert from Kharkiv (Ukraine) - train or bus ticket


 The  QA file LRPS-2024-9188170 was updated.


UNICEF Moldova invites interested companies to submit their proposals for event management support in organizing 3 training sessions (5 days per session) to strengthen capacities of specialists from transdisciplinary teams by the European Association on Early Childhood Intervention (EURLYAID)


Purpose of the event management services

To ensure the event management support for conducting of 3 training sessions (5 days per training session) for a total of 100 participants, devised into groups of max 33 participants each. The events will take place in Chisinau, in the period March - May 2024. The training sessions are scheduled for 5 days in conference room setting.


Objectives of the event management services

  • Coordinate and arrange the flights for 5 international experts:

- 1 expert from Columbus (USA);

- 2 experts from Oporto (Portugal);

- 1 expert from Amsterdam (Netherlands);

- 1 expert from Kharkiv (Ukraine) - train or bus ticket;

including: buying the plane tickets or train tickets (Ukraine) (from the destination to Moldova and back to their countries). Travel costs are expected to be based on the most direct and economical route and fare. Please note that each expert will travel two (2) times to Moldova (once in March, once in May 2024);

  • Coordinate and arrange picking them up from the airport and bringing them to the hotel (as well as from the hotel to the airport on their way back);
  • Coordinate and arrange the accommodation for a total of 18 nights for 5 experts in a 4* or 5* hotel with breakfast included single rooms (options TBD with UNICEF – take as reference for price Jolly Alon) (5 experts x 18 nights);
  • The company will cover the fee for the international experts in amount of 355 euros for each expert per working day (5 experts x 15 working days x 355 euro/per day);
  • Suggest and book the conference room for the trainings in Chisinau. The venue should be centrally located with flexible setup with the ability to rearrange tables and chairs. Options TBD and approved with UNICEF. Take as reference for price Jolly Allon; (1 conference room x 15 rent days x 8 hours per day)
  • Accommodation services for 70 participants single rooms (4 nights with breakfast, for reference: Jolly Allon); (70 participants x 4 nights). Reimburse the travel tickets (bus) for 70 participants coming from 8 districts of the country. Consider an average price in this regard;
  • Organize coffee breaks and lunches for 100 participants, inclusive 5 trainers per training (two coffee breaks and one lunch per day) Total: 570 lunches and 1140 coffee breaks. 5 dinners for participants staying at the hotel (70 participants) Total: 350 dinners;
  • Prepare participant kits (notebook and pens with UNICEF Logo) for 100 participants and distribute the materials;
  • Multiplication of the learning materials (300 pages, A4, colour, two-sided);
  • Print tags for facilitators (5 facilitators) - 5 name tags;
  • Register the participants – paper registration;
  • The company will provide 2 translators ENG-RO and vice versa for each training (simultaneous translation, equipment is needed) (2 translators x 15 days);
  • Provide multimedia equipment and ensure its functionality during the trainings (1 laptop and 1 projector per training);
  • Provide the workshop set (2 flipchart per group, flipchart paper –1 pack per group, 20 markers (red, green, black, blue per group));
  • Ensure 2 bottle of water per participants and trainers per day (100 participants, 5 trainers per training) Total: 1140 bottles.
  • Pick-up 2 roll-up banners (850x2000mm) from UNICEF and install them in the training rooms;
  • Take photos of the first day of the event (a selection of 30 photos made in the first day of trainings);
  • Printing of 35 books on ECI (35 copies x 300 pages, coloured, two-sided);
  • Print 100 (A4, coloured) certificates and have them signed for participants;
  • Provide event management and organisational support during and after the events;

Trainings schedule:

1st training session- 11-16 March 2024,

2nd training session- 13-17 May 2024,

3rd training session- 20 –24 May 2024


Qualifications and experience of the company

  • Extended experience (4 years) in organization and implementation of training events and workshops.
  • Ability to deliver good products in short terms and work under pressure.
  • Flexibility in responding to the needs of the UNICEF team.

The submissions should contain two separate proposals: Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal.

Technical proposal content

  2. Company’s Registration Certificate
  3. Bidder’s portfolio with proof of required years of relevant experience
  4. Qualifications of the team: Curriculum Vitae of the team leader and project manager who will lead and coordinate the campaign
  5. Work plan showing the detailed sequence and timeline for the assignment implementation and the overall approach to the implementation
  6. Detailed quality assurance mechanism and risk mitigation measures.
  7. References, if available.

Financial Proposal

The financial proposal shall indicate the total budget estimated in MDL, as well as a detailed breakdown of budget items.

Submission instructions

  • Bid Submission Deadline: 21st February 2024 11:00 (EET/Moldova time), please note any Bids received after the Submission Deadline will be invalidated.
  • Bid clarifications. Proposers are required to submit any questions in respect of this RFPS by e-mail to Cristina Dorogan at cdorogan@unicef.org. The deadline for receipt of any questions is 19 February 2024, 17:00 (EET/Moldova time). Q&A document can be accessed here: QA file LRPS-2024-9188170
  • The only official tender e-mail address for proposals submission is: chisinautenders@unicef.org, no other UNICEF e-mails must be cc-ed.
  • Proposals sent in 2 separate e-mails: one e-mail with Technical Proposal and another separate e-mail with the Financial Proposal.
  • No price information should be contained in the Technical Proposal.
  • Request for Proposals for Services Form (pages 3-5 of the LRPS-2023-9187728 document) must be filled and signed and included in the Technical Proposal e-mail.
  • Please pay attention: by answering YES to the Declaration statements (included in the Request for Proposals for Services Form) it means you didn't participate in the listed actions, by answering NO it means you did participate in the listed actions.
  • All Technical/ Financial Proposals files included in the e-mail, no external links.
  • Proposals clearly marked with the RFPS number: LRPS-2024-9188170 in the e-mail title or on the envelope.
  • Validity period of the proposal - not less than 120 days.
  • Joint venture/consortium/subcontractor arrangements are addressed in the Technical Proposal.
  • Currency of the proposal- MDL.

For additional details on the proposal submission rules please refer to the point 1. Bid Submission Schedule page 7-9 from the RFPS document.

For details on deliverables and minimum requirements please refer to the Terms of References-Annex B enclosed in the RFPS document.

The RFPS document is published at: https://sc.undp.md/tnddetails_un2/2809/



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