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Developing philanthropy - in the spotlight of the civil society

IMG 0840








The development of philanthropy in the Republic of Moldova was the subject of a round table, held on April 11, 2019 at the initiative of the CONTACT Centre in partnership with the European Centre for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL), with the support of the International Centre for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL).

Attending the event, Luben Panov, ECNL Centre Consultant, discussed important issues, including tax-related donations, stating in his presentation that some tax incentives would be a message by which the Government would recognize the importance of civil society’s work in philanthropy. He also presented a comparative analysis of the legal provisions in different countries regarding the state-NGO philanthropy relationship.

Oxana Miron, expert in the field, member of the working group, presented a study, in which the existing normative framework that regulates the philanthropic activity was analysed. She has come up with some proposals to modify the national legislation to further develop this area of activity of the civil society.

The over 30 participants, representing various non-governmental organizations from the Moldova, approached this topic from several perspectives, each mentioning the necessity of improving the national legislation and facilitating the philanthropic activity carried out in the Republic of Moldova.

The representative of the Ministry of Justice, Mr. Ion Glavan, was presented at the round table and mentioned the importance of the issues addressed by the civil society. He expressed his support for the creation of a working group to examine the existing normative framework and to elaborate proposals for the improvement of the legislation in the sphere of sponsorship and philanthropy.

This event is organized as part of a project managed by the International Centre for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL) and implemented in partnership with the European Centre for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL). The project is funded by the Government of Denmark.


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