Launching conference of the project “Increasing Local Government Transparency through participatory policies in the Republic of Moldova”

On June 14 the CONTACT Center carried out the launching conference of the project “Increasing Local Government Transparency through participatory policies in the Republic of Moldova”, funded by The United Nations Democarcy Fund - UNDEF.

The project’s goal is to increase the level of transparency of local governments by elaborating, promoting and adopting local public policies, in a participatory way, as well as elaborating and implementing local plans for increasing transparency and for providing access for citizens to information of public interest.

The goal, objectives and main activities to be done during 2018-2020 in the beneficiary communities were presented at the event. The participants exchanged opinions about the ways of doing the action plans, of ensuring the visibility and durability of the project activities, as well as about the synergy with other projects, plans and strategies that are being implemented in the target communities.

The main beneficiaries are NGO-s, local governments and local initiative groups from 10 communities in the northern, central and southern parts of the Republic of Moldova.

In the opening of the conference, the executive director of the CONTACT Center, Serghei Neicovcen, said he welcomes the receptiveness of the organizations that had applied to this project. He mentioned that the spirit of civic responsibility is one to be appreciated, and every community will enjoy a harmonious development at the decisional level, with the help of this project that emphasizes on transparency.

At the conference, Arcadie Baciu, member of the Group of Active Citizens, mentioned that the offer to participate in this project was received warmly by the local government, since gossip travels faster than the truth about local governments’ activities. Their determination was supported by the mayor of the community. Transparency is the main factor for a strong administration, Arcadie Baciu believes.

Also, the mayor of Glodeni, Stela Onuțu, said this project is a great pleasure for local governments, because it provides great benefit to the community. She believes that lack of transparency is a major problem that must be eliminated, since it hinders the communication of local governments with citizens.

The project expert Tatiana Șaptefrați said this project would help the participating communities, which will benefit from more transparency and the citizens would be more receptive to the local governments’ projects.

Ion Prisăcaru, a representative of the State Chancellery, who was also present at the conference, welcomed the initiative of this project. He specified that the central government have the same goal as the project - to help the local governments to be more transparent, and to make sure the citizens contribute to the development of a community. Ion Prisăcaru said that a reform would be carried out by the Government that will aim mainly to increase transparency in public authorities.

For further details or information: 022 233948

Contact person – Liliana Porumb, project coordinator.

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