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Culture of Democracy in Denmark!

In the period of 6 to 13th of December 2015, a group of 4 Moldovan young people have participated in a study visit organized by InterCollege in Denmark.

The purpose of the visit relied on learning about the democratic pillars that make Danish society to have a strong culture of democracy. The visit gathered young people from 10 (Tunis, Egypt, Croatia, Armenia, Georgia, Romania, Ukraine, Palestine, Denmark, Turkey) – activists and socially active people in order to become acquainted with the democratic processes of a developed country. Starting with the north of Denmark, city of Aalborg, all of the 33 participants had the opportunity to meet with municipality representatives and find out the way of citizens involvement on local level. How the problem of municipalities located at the periphery of the country, face massive youth migration and the way municipal counselors behave when it comes to compromise and collaboration.

In order to become aware of the civil society organization work, a meeting was held with a representative from CISU – a donor organization funding projects accomplished in partnership with Danish NGOs. The representative of CISU explained about the objectives of 2016 funding which reflect human rights based approach.

The meeting of political party youth wings gave inputs about political affiliation and principles of each party starting with the “Reds” and “Blues”, the last outcomes of elections, the communication between parties and politics of compromises.

The purpose of visiting Odense art studio GalleriGalschiøtwas to become aware of the modern art and hot it calls on humanity through sculptures. The artists of the gallery revealed their involvement in African countries by “involving people with disabilities in creating artisanal goods would integrate them into the society”.

Another important element in understanding the democracy culture in Denmark is Education. Our delegation had a chance to meet with representatives from Pupil's Council that helped to see how pupils are taking ownership and responsibility on their education and governance. Meeting representatives of Aalborg University showed how higher education is preparing problem-solving oriented people and bringing their contribution to the nation's democracy.

The visit culminated with a meeting with a Danish MP, member of socialist party in the National Parliament of Denmark.

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