Trafficking in human beings and domestic violence: What and how to write

The first multimedia package for journalists: "Trafficking in human beings and domestic violence: What and how to write"

Coperta DVD resursa pentru jurnalisti

From now on, the Moldovan journalists have a multimedia resource to help them in their balanced and professional accounts on sensitive issues such as domestic violence and human trafficking.

The resource DVD "Trafficking in human beings and domestic violence: WHAT AND HOW TO WRITE. Resource for journalists", presented on 15th April 2011, during the training "Mass media and children home alone" is a joint product of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the communication agency “URMA ta”.

The multimedia package, in Romanian and Russian, contains a booklet with the principles of ethics for journalists, photos, video and audio sequences, and a list of contacts details of persons and relevant institutions.

Kaarina Immonen, UN Resident Coordinator in Moldova: "This DVD can become a valuable resource in research and writing of articles on violence and human trafficking. The media materials, when designed professionally, can save more people from violence and trafficking”.

This multimedia product is the first comprehensive resource in Moldova, devoted exclusively to media, human trafficking and domestic violence. This DVD, that can be used in both training and professionalization activities, was created within the "Protection and empowerment of victims of human trafficking and domestic violence in Moldova” project, implemented by UNDP, UNFPA, IOM and OSCE, with the support of the Government of Japan through the United Nations Fund for Human Security.


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