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RDA Orhei launch

s your organization ready to complete regional development projects in partnership with civil societies, local public administrators, and the business sector? The Rural Development Agency –Center (ADR– Center) recently launched the website in order to create capacity-building partnerships between public, private, and non-governmental constituents. will offer a forum for information exchange and open communication between community development workers. If you sign up on, your organization will have access to:

1. Events – Training sessions, project development seminars, and informational sessions regarding partnerships will be available to all members interested in planned events.
2. Advertising – You can advertise your organization’s activities and initiatives in order to gain attendance or perspectives from other constituents on
3. Communication – The forums offer you the possibility to create discussion groups on topics related to regional development. These forums can be an opportunity for information exchange, advice, partnership consolidation, or even public policy debates. Public policy debates may even be turned into public debates on strategies of development in the region. is open to all people and institutions who are interested in community development, including local and regional public authorities; non-governmental organizations (NGOs); universities and other educational institutions; cultural and scientific institutions; business sector members; initiative groups; and citizens of the Republic of Moldova.
This website project represents the beginning of capacity integration and strengthening within the region. As the forum opens up communication and partnership development, innovation in regional development concepts and maximizing the region’s directed funds can begin. By May of 2012, ADR – Center hopes to use the discussions from events and forums to create useful documents related to regional development, including regional development plans, regional programming documents, and a portfolio of the region’s priority development projects.
Become a partner today, and you will benefit tomorrow!

The launching of web page is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), under  AED's Moldova Civil Society Strengthening Program (MCSSP). The contents are the responsibility of ADR-Centru and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the United States Government or AED.

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