Policy Designers Network leadership program

Are you a policy professional interested in strengthening their leadership skills who:

  • Has up to 5 years of professional experience which has offered them an insight into policy making and formulating in various fields such as foreign policy, energy, business, creative arts and industries, media, etc.
  • is between 25 and 35 years old
  • is fluent in English
  • is a citizen of Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, or Ukraine
  • possesses a valid passport

And exhibit the following characteristics:

  • Profound sense of integrity
  • The desire to create a positive impact
  •  Commitment to democracy and diversity
  • Commitment to share and apply new knowledge and to engage in the PDN network upon the program’s completion
  • Commitment to transatlantic and global engagement

Then GMF is welcoming your application for the 2024 class of Policy Designers Network! Applications are made through our online application portal. The application form includes short-answer questions and a résumé/CV. If you experience technical difficulties with your application submission, please email leadershipprograms@gmfus.org. GMF will be accepting applications until November 24, 2023.

The fifth iteration of the Policy Designers Network will take place between February  – April 2024. It will include a mix of monthly online sessions and an in-person weeklong session March 25-29, 2024 in Bucharest, Romania.

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