ERIM: Capacity development grants for civil society and media organisations in Eastern Partnership countries


ERIM (Equal Rights and Independent Media) is an international NGO based in Lyon, France. We work to strengthen and empower civil society and independent media, to promote human rights and to increase critical thinking.

“ProElect - Promote accountability in Electoral processes in EaP through increased participation and capacity of civic actors” is a regional project run by the Transatlantic Foundation in partnership with ERIM and funded by the European Union. The project aims to ensure that civil society actors in the Eastern Neighbourhood are engaged, capable and knowledgeable in monitoring elections and promoting democratic accountability mechanisms.

The purpose of the call is to enhance the capacity of civic actors such as independent media actors and civil society organisations in Eastern Partnership countries, providing support to design and implement Capacity Development plans.

You can find more information about ERIM’s mission and vision here and about the project here.


The call is open to independent media actors and civil society organisations that lack the resources necessary to fully implement actions dedicated to ensuring free and fair elections, promoting political participation, and fighting against hate speech, propaganda and disinformation.

This call focuses on organisations based in Eastern Partnership countries and that work at local, national or international level.

Priority will be given to applications from organisations that have not already received our support under other funding schemes. Applications from political or religious organisations will not be considered.


The funding shall be used to reach one or more specific operational goal(s) in one or more of the following fields: (1) governance and leadership, (2) fundraising, (3) development and provision of services, (4) mobilisation, branding and external communication, (5) human resources management, (6) financial management, (7) monitoring and evaluation, and (8) physical and digital security.

Organisations are invited to identify the area(s) in which they seek improvement and propose an initial plan of action. Applicants must reflect and justify how the activities highlighted in the action plan will enhance their capacities to ensure free and fair elections throughout the electoral cycle. The grant will be used to implement capacity development plans that may include, but are not limited to, the following activities:

  • Consultancy and mentorship in developing or improving internal policies, strategies, structures, and management processes: strategic plans, professional development plans, communications strategies, emergency response plans, fundraising strategies;
  • Training courses in areas such as board development and governance, public relations, strategic planning, financial management, marketing skills, sustainability solutions, volunteer systems, advocacy and communication, artificial intelligence, IT and digital security etc.;
  • Development or subscription to specialised software or digital tools, both for internal processes and for activities related to election monitoring;
  • Other activities related to needs identified through the organisational capacity assessment.

ERIM is available to share with the selected beneficiaries a roster of trainers and experts in organisational development. Organisations may also select their own trainers, but ERIM will have to approve all experts, trainers and consultants hired under each grant.

The following are excluded from funding consideration:

  • International events/programs/conferences;
  • Equipment, unless a strong justification is provided.

Additional information about the process:

Selected applicants will work with an external consultant (hired by ERIM) who will conduct a comprehensive Organisational Capacity Assessment (OCA), which will serve as a basis to develop an action plan funded through the grant. This process typically lasts an average of four days and takes place at the organisation's premises. Various team members should participate in the assessment. The primary goal is to identify key areas to focus on during the implementation of the project. Following the assessment, a Capacity Development Plan will be developed and will have to be approved by ERIM. The external consultant will continue to be involved during the implementation period, offering counselling as needed and conducting a final organisational assessment at the end of the project.

Capacity development is a key element of the consolidation and longevity of an organisation. It increases effectiveness, impact, but also wellbeing and satisfaction within teams. However, it requires commitment, and your team will need to allocate adequate time for training, consultations with experts, sharing insights with other team members, and implementing changes over the long term. We advise that you apply only if your team has sufficient time and resources to dedicate to improving organisational capacities.


These Capacity Development grants may go up to EUR 15,000.

The minimum duration of a project is 9 months and the maximum duration is 12 months. Projects are expected to start in May 2025.


Minimum eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants must be registered in Eastern Partnership countries.
  • Applicants must have been active for at least 2
  • Applicants must have at least 2 full time staff members.
  • The applicant’s mission must be in line with democratic and human rights principles.
  • The applicant’s work must be related to ensuring free and fair elections, promoting political participation and/or fighting against hate speech and disinformation within upcoming election cycles in Eastern Partnership countries.

Selection Criteria:

  • The applicant has highlighted clear areas where it seeks improvement.
  • The applicant proposes activities that will strengthen the organisation.
  • The applicant has relevant expertise, experience, and an instrumental role in the field.
  • The application demonstrates the project’s impact on sustainability and resilience of the organisation after the grant has ended.
  • The proposed budget is cost-efficient, coherent with the planned activities, and properly justified.


The application forms can be downloaded here or requested by e-mail:

Applications should be submitted in word, in English or your local language, to the email address: by April 30, 2025. Please state in the subject line “ProElect – Capacity development – name of your country”.

All questions regarding this call shall be addressed to Questions, comments, and requests for clarification will not be accepted after April 15, 2025. ERIM is not obliged to provide clarifications to questions received after this date. The answers will be given no later than 5 days before the deadline for the applications submission.

ERIM will organise a Q&A session on April 1, 2025 at 10 am CET. To participate, please register here and submit your questions.

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