Call for Applications - Capacity Development Grants for Civil Society and Independent Media


ERIM (Equal Rights & Independent Media), a French based organisation, is announcing a call for civil society organisations (CSOs) and independent media from Republic of Moldova.


ERIM (Equal Rights and Independent Media) is a not-for-profit organisation based in Lyon, France. Our mission is to promote human rights, strengthen independent media and civil society and empower individuals through developing critical thinking skills. The ERIM approach emphasises partnerships with local development organisations to bring about change through training, partnerships, education, research and sub-granting schemes.

 “Democracy in Eastern Partnership - DEAP”, is a regional project, funded by the European Union and implemented by ERIM. The project aims to promote inclusive, resilient and democratic societies in the Eastern Partnership Region by strengthening the capacities of civil society and grassroot organisations, supporting research and policy analysis, and organising cultural and networking events to promote the work of human rights defenders.

The purpose of the call is to strengthen the capacities, resilience, and effectiveness of civic actors, including independent media and civil society organisations in the Republic of Moldova through capacity building grants of up to 17,000 EUR, based on Organizational Capacity Assessments (OCA).

The call is opened to organisations that need support to continue their work, develop their organisational capacities, enhance their resilience or financial sustainability, etc.



We particularly welcome applications from regional, grassroots organisations. Preference will be given to grassroots organizations outside Chisinau due to the economic and social differences between the capital and the rest of the country.

We aim to support media and civil society organisations active in the field of human rights, LGBTQI+ rights, women's rights, gender issues. We also encourage applications from CSOs and media working in the fields of digital security, information and communication, media, and information hygiene.

Priority will be given to applications from organizations that have not already received support in other ERIM projects.

Applications from political or religious organizations will not be considered.



 Minimum eligibility criteria:

  • Applicants must be registered or legally organised in accordance with the Republic of Moldova law; citizen, youth or other forms of informal groups looking to grow as an independent organisation are eligible to apply through an established organisation with whom they have had a relevant history of cooperation
  • Applicants must have been active for a minimum of the last 2 years
  • Applicants must have at least 2 full time staff members
  • The applicant’s current statute and mission are in line with democratic and human rights principles

Selection criteria:

  • The organisation has highlighted clear areas where it seeks improvement
  • The organisation proposed activities that will strengthen their organisation
  • The organisation showed willingness to participate and motivation to improve their internal procedures and strategic documents
  • The applicant shows resilience potential beyond the project support



 The application form can be submitted in Romanian/Russian or English to the email address:

The Application form is available here ; More details about the grant conditions are available here ; The guide on elaboration the grant proposal is available here

Please, state in the subject line “DEAP - Capacity development for Moldova”. The applications should be submitted in word, if possible, please, provide an English version of your application to the original one, google translate is an acceptable method of translation. Proposals must be submitted online by 18:00 (Eastern European Time - EET), 09 November 2024.

ERIM will organize a Q&A session on 01 November 2024. To participate, please register via this  LINK and submit your questions.

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