
People in Need Moldova launches a call for expression of interest

Short Description of the Project

The aim of the project PLACE (Protection, Legal, Accommodation, Coordination and Education) is to guarantee access to multi-sectoral services allowing refugees and vulnerable Moldovans the necessary support to manage and rebuild their life, while at the same time ensuring local authorities and CSOs have the capacity to prepare and eventually respond to a new influx of refugees.

Under the project People in Need in cooperation with local partners will provide psycho-social support services (PSS), including individual and group counselling, to refugees and, to a smaller extend, vulnerable members of the host community. These will be provided by qualified psychologists and counsellors with specific focus on crisis intervention, coping with critical life issues, disorders associated with traumatic events and experiences, such as PTSD and other adjustment disorders, stress related disorders. Additionally, the facilitators will be trained to provide non-specialized PSS assistance and facilitate group sessions for women, children and other vulnerable and marginalized groups.

The activities will also aim at strengthening children’s capacity to cope with stressful situations, particularly in emergency/displacement situations. These will include group therapy sessions, individual trauma counselling tailored for this specific age group, structures activities for children.

Who we are looking for:

We aim to select at least 2 well established CSOs from the following districts in the North of Moldova: Ocnita, Briceni, Edinet, Donduseni.

CSOs can be active in areas including but not limited to:

  • Provision of psycho-social support (PSS) services (individual sessions, group therapies);
  • Provision of legal assistance;
  • Promoting integration/inclusion of Ukrainian refugees with host communities.

Applications from private business, religious or political parties, public authorities or related organizations are not eligible under this call, as it is intended for civil society actors not linked to larger institutions.

More about CSOs that we are looking for:

  • Mid-level and/or well established/experienced CSO (with experience in managing budgets of more than 20,000 EUR per year).
  • Operational capacity to provide PSS services in the following districts: Ocnita, Briceni, Edinet, Donduseni.

Duration of the implementation: February 2023 – November 2023

Expected budget: 60.000 EUR

Specific dates and deadlines:

  • Opening the grants call: December 19, 2022.
  • Information session: December 28, 2022, at 2 p.m. (please, register for the info session by sending a message to:; link to join the information session (via Zoom): (Meeting ID: 831 8276 2407 / Passcode: 735219).
  • Deadline for receiving initial applications: January 3, 2023.
  • Selection committee makes final decisions on pre-selected candidates: by January 16, 2023.
  • Interviews with pre-selected candidates: January 17-20, 2023.
  • Final decision and contracting: January 30, 2023.

Evaluation criteria: 


 Score (%) 

Understanding target beneficiaries (refugees and local population affected by the war) needs, social context and problems.


Track record in provision of psycho-social services to local population and refugees.


Financial records highlighting high quality financial management of different donor funds.


Interest and motivation to support refugees and local population, achieve concrete changes and results.


Application due date:

Application with the filled in Annex 1 budget template and Annex 2 Track Record of Implemented Projects has to be submitted by January 3, 2023, to the following email:

Message title: Ref. PLACE 2023

Please send your questions about the call by 26 December, 2022 to the following address:

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