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Black Sea Speaker Series | Empowering Futures: The Role of Education, Youth Leadership, and Volunteerism in Shaping Tomorrow

Join us on December 10 at 4 PM for the Black Sea Speaker Series: Empowering Futures webinar! Marcel Marin, Acting Head of the Youth Department at the Ministry of Education and Research of Moldova, will share insights into how education, youth leadership, and volunteerism can shape a brighter tomorrow. 

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More about the speaker: With over a decade of experience in the public sector, Marcel Marin is a leader in youth policies, non-formal education, volunteering, and civic engagement. As the Acting Head of the Youth Department at the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova, Marcel champions initiatives that foster values-based education, empower civic participation, and develop essential skills for young people. Dedicated and visionary, he is committed to shaping a brighter future for youth through innovative and inclusive policies.

BSSS Youth Empowerment flyer Dec10 4pm


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