Call For Trainers for Entrepreneurship and Business Development trainings

Call for trainers/CSO’s for Entrepreneurship and Business Development trainings



Acted is an international NGO committed to immediate humanitarian relief to support those in urgent need and promote inclusive and sustainable growth. For the past 30 years, Acted has been going the last mile to save lives. It relies on an in-depth knowledge of local territories and contexts to develop relevant long-term actions, with a wide range of local and international partners, building together a “3ZERO" world: Zero Exclusion, Zero Carbon, Zero Poverty.   

Acted endeavors to respond to humanitarian crises and build resilience; promote inclusive and sustainable growth; co-construct effective governance and support the building of civil society worldwide by investing in people and their potential. 

In 2025, Moldova continues to grapple with the challenges of integrating Ukrainian refugees who have sought shelter and stability within its borders due to ongoing conflicts and instability in Ukraine. The situation for Ukrainian refugees in Moldova presents a complex mix of needs, opportunities, and challenges, particularly concerning livelihoods and entrepreneurship. 

       Moldova's evolving market landscape presents opportunities for small-scale entrepreneurship in various sectors, including agriculture, tourism, crafts, beauty sector and other services. Ukrainian refugees with entrepreneurial aspirations can explore these opportunities with appropriate support and guidance.  

Despite the challenges they face, many of them demonstrate resilience, adaptability, and a strong desire to rebuild their lives and contribute positively to their host communities. 

       Addressing their needs, providing opportunities for livelihoods and entrepreneurship, and promoting their integration into Moldovan society are essential steps toward ensuring their well-being and fostering social cohesion in the country. 

Purpose of the assignment. 

Acted Moldova, with UNHCR support, will conduct "Entrepreneurship and Business Development Training" to boost business skills and encourage entrepreneurship among vulnerable people, including refugees from Ukraine in Moldova. This aims to help integrate refugees into Moldovan society long-term.

We invite trainers/CSO’s to apply for the following six training topics:

  • Business registration in the Republic of Moldova (LOT nr.1)
  • Basics of accounting in the Republic of Moldova (LOT nr.2)
  • Fundamentals of the circular economy (LOT nr.3)
  • Artificial Intelligence in business (LOT nr.4)
  • Basics of marketing and SMM (LOT nr.5)
  • Business plan development (LOT nr.6)





Detailed Terms of Reference (ToR) for each LOT are available for download here:

ToR_Business Registration in RM_LOT1

ToR_Basics of accounting in RM_LOT2

ToR_Fundamentals of the circular economy_LOT3

ToR_Artificial Intelligence in business_LOT4

ToR_Basics of marketing and SMM_LOT5

ToR_Business plan development_LOT6


How to apply:

Interested candidates should submit their CV and a brief proposal outlining their training methodology to the following emails: /  /

Contact Information: /

Application deadline: 27.02.2025, 18:00 COB.

IMPORTANT: Please mention the LOT number you are applying for in the email subject line.

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