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Termen extins-Centrul de Drept al Avocatilor (CDA) contract a specialist on legislation transposition in the field of gender equality

Centrul de Drept al Avocatilor (CDA) contract a specialist on legislation transposition in the field of gender equality

Centrul de Drept al Avocatilor (CDA) contracts a specialist in the field of gender equality for the implementation unit within the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family.



Specialist on legislation transposition in the field of gender equality

Place of service:


Type of contract:

Full-time service contract until 31.12.2025


Ministerul Muncii Protecției Sociale și Familiei

Publication date:

09 January 2025

Deadline for CV submission

30 January 2025


Following the Council of Europe's decision of December 2023 to open the negotiations for accession of the Republic of Moldova, national institutions need to strengthen efforts to advance the EU integration process and accelerate reforms. The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Moldova chairs two working groups: No. 2 - on free movement of workers and No. 19 - on social policy and employment. Besides these two working groups, the relevant directorates of the Ministry, such as child protection, gender equality, disability policies, are involved in other working groups, such as Working Group No. 23 on justice and fundamental rights, which is part of the cluster 1. Cluster 1 is the first to be opened in the negotiations and the last to be closed. It is, therefore, imperative that the Ministry and its team demonstrate results and transpose the acquis communautaire.

The Directorate for Gender Equality Policy participates in the process of integration of the Republic of Moldova into the EU, among other things, is involved in activities of analysis and transposition of European norms, such as recommendations, decisions, directives on ensuring equal opportunities between women and men in various social spheres, as well as elements of assistance and protection for victims of domestic violence and human trafficking. Due to the increased workload, the current staff of the Directorate cannot cope with all the needs necessary for the acquis communautaire. Moreover, these processes are also to be carried out in the context of the situation of refugees, who have become a part of the community and who also need to be integrated in terms of ensuring gender equality, and also preventing gender-based violence and the risks of trafficking or exploitation.

An experienced gender equality consultant is therefore needed to help the team to coordinate the whole process and to provide the necessary advice in the policy development process needed to align the acquis communautaire with the relevant department.


- Contributes to the planning and coordination of gender equality-specific actions in response to the Action Plan for EU integration and the EU acquis review process;

- Participates in the European integration process by analyzing EU directives, decisions, regulations and recommendations, the requirements for their transposition, as well as monitoring and evaluating processes aiming at European integration;

- Supports the Gender Equality Policy Directorate by participating in meetings, drafting documents, and other tasks as assigned within the Ministry, including situations involving Ukrainian refugee issues;

- Supports the Gender Equality Policy Directorate on equality and anti-discrimination issues reflected in Chapter 19 of the EU acquis.

- Participates in meetings of thematic working groups on issues related to assistance to refugees in Ukraine;

- Analyzes gender inequality issues that have a bearing on the European standards that need to be transposed;

- Develops briefing notes, regulatory impact analysis, and thematic reports;

- Identifies new opportunities for consolidation of the gender equality assurance segment;

- Participates in the organization of awareness-raising campaigns and advocacy events;

- Assists in the development of PPT presentations, press releases, public speaking notes, organizing events, and coordinating the Secretary of State's agenda in the area of ensuring gender equality;

- Collaborates with diverse government actors, civil society, and private sector representatives on measures to support refugee reintegration and European integration.

Required qualifications and experience

- Bachelor's/Master's degree in social sciences, humanities, economics or law;

- Advanced knowledge of legislation and policies on gender equality, domestic violence, and human trafficking;

- Excellent verbal and written communication skills (including operating Excel, Word, PowerPoint, use of databases, etc.);

- Analytical and problem-solving skills;

- Ability to work independently and as part of a team;

- Initiative, positive and proactive attitude based on work ethic;

- Organizational and time management skills;

- Previous working experience in this or related fields.

- Fluency in English will be an advantage.

Performance indicators

- Quality of work

- Flexibility in responding to MMPS requests

- Materials produced on time

- Progress in EU integration

- Participation in thematic meetings ensured

- Meeting summary notes produced


- Flexibility, solution-oriented, good negotiation skills;

- Good organizational and planning skills;

- Ability to work independently as well as part of a diverse and multisectoral team;

- Ability to remain calm under pressure when interacting with external counterparts and team peers.

- Good understanding and compliance with supervision and reporting lines;

- Ability to establish and maintain good working relationships with relevant governmental and non-governmental counterparts and international organizations.

CDA is committed to ensuring the diversity of the workforce. Women and men, people with disabilities, Roma and other ethnic or religious minorities, people living with HIV, LGBTQI+, as well as refugees and other people who have the legal right to work in the Republic of Moldova are encouraged to apply.

Please provide details in your CV of previous employment and two references.


Please send a cover letter and CV to . Selected applicants will be contacted by email.


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