Internews is looking for a Final Project Evaluator


Internews is a media support nonprofit working in 100+ countries. Internews trains journalists, tackles disinformation, and helps media outlets become financially sustainable so that everyone has trustworthy information to make informed decisions and hold power to account.

Internews is seeking an external evaluator or firm to lead the final evaluation of the Supporting Expanded Newsroom Sustainability and Engagement (SENSE) project. The SENSE project is an initiative designed to improve the financial sustainability and editorial capacity of independent regional media outlets in Moldova, outside of Chisinau. The project, initiated in August 2021, seeks to support local media through capacity building, technical assistance, and mentorship in editorial, business, and technological areas.

This evaluation will primarily be conducted remotely, with the possibility of limited in-person interviews if feasible. The evaluation is expected to span approximately two months, with all activities and the final report to be completed by February 2025. The estimated budget for this evaluation is 10,000 USD, including taxes.

Detailed information about the assignment can be found HERE.

Submission guidelines

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis with preference for applications submitted by January 10th, 2025, to

Applications should include the below documentation:

  • A 2–3-page statement of interest/technical proposal, describing how your profile meets the qualifications outlined above and highlighting how your methodological approach will address the scope planned for this evaluation.
  • A short cost justification (not included in the 2–3-page limit)
  • CV or resume for each person on the evaluation team
  • Evidence of evaluation work (e.g., link to evaluation reports or PDF attachments), highlighting evaluation theories and approaches.
  • If you move forward in the selection process, be prepared to share the names and contact information of two references (these should be clients for whom you have conducted external evaluations previously)

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