Jr. EU Center Coordination Expert (full time)

Jr. EU Center Coordination Expert (full time)



The EU Center Coordination Expert will be responsible for the design, planning, implementation and reporting of all the activities of the EU Information Centre in Chisinau - Europe Café, under Task 4 Management of the EU Information and Documentation Centre (Europe Café) in Chisinau. The EU Center Coordination Expert reports to KE1/TL.


Jr. EU Center Coordination Expert


Job description

Task 1.4.1 Hosting of public relations activities designed as part of Component 1, including but not limited to public diplomacy and cultural events, such as attractive exhibitions (including interactive ones) aiming to showcase the EU assistance projects and EU Member States;

·        The expert will participate in the designing and implementation of the strategy and the annual activity plan of Europe Café under the supervision of the KE1/TL & KE2 including events, competitions, workshops, exhibitions etc.

·        The expert will plan and prepare a detailed trimestral calendar for Europe Café including activities for various audiences such as civil society, entrepreneurs, youth, etc. Based on the trimestral planning, the expert will update the monthly calendar of events to be organized at / hosted by Europe Café and will coordinate it with the EU Delegation;

·        The expert will ensure close liaison with EU-funded projects, EU Member States embassies and international organizations to ensure their engagement and cooperation for activities to be organized by / hosted by Europe Café;

·        The expert will ensure and maintain an updated data base of all cooperation partners of Europe Café (EU-funded projects, EU Member States embassies and international organizations);

·        The expert will cooperate with the KE1/TL , KE2 and other NKEs in designing and organizing events involving Europe Café as part of the communication campaigns run by the project;

·        The expert will work closely with the relevant Sn NKEs (Coordinator of the network of Euro clubs & EUICs, Outreach Manager) in order to create synergies with the EUICs and Euroclubs network;

·        The expert will promote the EU Centre among various audiences and will attract different target groups and multipliers – civil society organizations, entrepreneurs, students, media etc. for the organization of relevant events at Europe Café to reflect EU values and opportunities;

·        The expert is expected to maintain a functional space at Europe Café – specifically, the expert will ensure proper functionality and maintenance of the EU Centre public spaces and equipment.

Task 1.4.2 Update and maintenance of Europe Café sub-page on www.EU4Moldova.eu online platform.

·        The expert will draft short editorials/news, update and ensure full technical maintenance of all sections of the Europe Café web-page in three languages (En/Ro/Ru).

·        The expert will produce the monthly newsletter to reflect the activities of Europe Cafe and will disseminate it to an extended database of recipients; the expert will monitor the impact and propose solutions and ideas for improvement and growth of the data base;

·        The expert will organize and maintain an online and physical library of Europe Café, including production of a number of publications and information tools for various audiences;

Task 1.4.3. Update and full maintenance of social media platforms of the Europe Café (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter).

·        The expert will create a monthly social media calendar for Europe Café in connection with the activities to be run by the center as well as by the EUDEL under the coordination of KEs and relevant Sn NKEs (Sn Web & Social Media Manager) ;

·        The expert will draft content for the Europe Café social media and will ensure the promotion of the activities run by Europe Café in owned social media channels under the coordination of KEs and relevant Sn NKEs (Sn Outreach Manager, Sn Web & Social Media Manager);

·        The expert will work closely with the Sn Web & Social Media Expert for the coordination of the social media calendar, with the Sn Media Relations & Analysis Expert to ensure wide media and social media visibility for Europe Café;

Task 1.4.4 Produce Publications and create various information tools for the visitors of the Europe Café tailored to the target audiences

·        The expert will provide support and assistance to relevant Sn NKEs for the creation, production and dissemination of a number of promotional and visibility items in connection with the activities to be run by Europe Café and by the project.

·        The expert will undertake other duties consistent with this role that may be assigned by the Team Leader.


To the KE1/Team Leader


Monthly Reports including activities run at Europe Cafe; Contacts Data bases; Participants’ lists; Photos and videos database; Europe Café Newsletter


·        Number of events organized and assisted

·        Number of participants in events

·        Number of partners and stakeholders

·        Number of newsletters issued

·        Number of recipients of the newsletters

·        Reach of website landing page

·        Number of followers/reach/impressions of the Europe Café social media

·        Number of communication/promotional/visibility materials produced and disseminated


As per the project’s LogFrame


General Professional Experience & Qualifications

·        University degree in Communication or Journalism, or other relevant for the tasks to be performed;

·        At least 3 years of experience in communication, public relations, and visibility activities;

·        Experience in designing and implementing communication activities and events;

·        Excellent English, both written and spoken;

·        Knowledge of Romanian and Russian;

Specific Professional Experience

·        Experience in designing and developing communication materials;

·       Experience in planning and organizing events;

·       Experience with official protocol requirements;

·       Experience in online communication and social media;

·       Experience in liaising and establishing partnerships with various stakeholders and counterparts;

·       Experience of working with youth;

·        Experience in developing data bases and writing reports

·        Experience in preparing and managing budgets

·       Experience in communication activities in EU-funded projects and / or in international organizations would be an asset

To apply

Send a CV and Cover Letter to europecafe@eu4moldova.eu and anastasia.chistol@eu4moldova.eu


25 November 2024, COB

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