Secretary (Embassy of The State of Quatar)
HR-Consulting Srl on behalf of its client (The Embassy of The State of Quatar) is looking for a highly professional candidate to fulfill the position of:
General description
Developing detailed programs for completing tasks and reviewing, the fact that requires practice and experience in the field of secretarial work, arranging schedule, receiving mails and answering phone calls.
Job Duties:
- Arranging appointments, answering phone calls and handling inquiries.
- Receiving and documenting incoming mail, then presenting it, as well as following up with procedures relating to outgoing mail.
- Printing private correspondence.
- Distributing meetings reports to the concerned parties.
- Maintain the confidentiality of any information he has accessed by virtue of his job, and not disclose it, whether in writing, verbally or electronically.
- Carry out other duties as assigned.
Interested candidates may send CVs to HR-Consulting ( email address:
Please, indicate the relevant vacancy code SQ in the subject line or resume.
For more information, please call: +373 68898408
Alte anunturi de angajare
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