Call for Expression of Interest: Junior Expert /Administrative Assistant for “Green Agenda for Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, and Armenia” Project

Consultancy name:

Junior Expert /Administrative Assistant 

Project name:

“Green Agenda for Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, and Armenia “(GA GUMA)  Project


Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)


PA EcoContact

Consultancy duration:

November 2024 -November 2025

Contract :

Part-time Consulting Services Contract

Consultancy location:

The Republic of Moldova

Deadline for EoI:

By November 4, 2024, 18.00, Chisinau time

PA EcoContact in its capacity of National Implementation Partner to the regional project “Green Agenda for Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, and Armenia” (GA GUMA) seeks for qualified candidate for the position of junior expert/administrative assistant, that will support the country team and the Stockholm Environment Institute in project implementation.

For more details, please see the Terms of References for this position.

The eligible candidates are invited to express their interest in providing their services as junior expert/administrative assistant and to submit information demonstrating the following required qualifications and relevant experience for this position:

General qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree in environmental, legal and economic sciences, business administration or related field
  • Strong organizational and administrative skills
  • Excellent communication skills in Romanian, English, both oral and written
  • Ability to present information logically, clearly and concisely
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team
  • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to engage with diverse stakeholders
  • Flexibility and adaptability to changing project needs and priorities.
  • Good time management
  • Reporting capacity organized and rigorous
  • Learning capacity

Specific qualification (Professional experience):

  • Experience working in technical assistance projects, NGOs for at least 3 years
  • Experience in project support, administration, or a related role
  • Experience working with documents and writing reports

The potential candidates will be selected based on PA EcoContact’s Procurement rules.

The proposed consultancy is a part-time assignment and is expected to commence in November 2024, with a level of effort not exceeding 15 person-days per month. The Contract will be assigned to the selected candidate for a period of 12 months,  with a trial period of 3 months.  Subject to the Consultant’s satisfactory performance and project ongoing needs, the contract may be extended for a further period.

Interested qualified candidates should submit their expression of interest with Cover letter, CV and at least two references, including the line manager during your last job, to PA EcoContact at with reference to the position of junior expert/administrative assistant GA GUMA project,  by November 4, 2024, 18.00, Chisinau time.    

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