WV Moldova - Consultancy Service for “Job market and digital skills assessment” in Moldova
RFQ # UCRMD/ITB/FY24/0011/1
World Vision Moldova (WVM) is inviting potential service providers/consultants for JOB MARKET AND DIGITAL SKILLS ASSESSMENT IN MOLDOVA, and we are seeking opportunity for anagreement for the consultant service. Hence, the potential supplier shall submit the offer for the services according to the attached RFQ/TOR along with your company related documents as stated below to maintain supplier roster with us, so that WVM shall invite you for any business opportunities in future too.
To submit your quotation, please ensure to follow the steps below and documents.
Step-1 – Download files from the below links and Prepare documents.
1. Duly filled RFQ/TOR documents (Annex-1) – Download the template – here.
2. Copy of the business registration/ licenses or authorizations(NIPT/Licenses);
3. Copy of tax registration (extras)
4. Signed Code of Conduct & Supplier Registration Download the template – here
Step-2 Submit your quotation including all document email at this address: urmd_t@wvi.org
1. WVM reserves the right to reject any or all quotation/s. The successful bidder or bidders will be notified at the earliest date possible.
2. At any time during the validity of the quotation, price variation due to escalation, inflation, fluctuation in exchange rates, or any other market factors shall not be accepted by WVM after it has received the quotation.
3. Offers/applications received at other email addresses other than urmd_t@wvi.org and after the deadline will not be accepted.
4. For additional information regarding please write email e-mail info_wvmoldova@wvi.org or call to +373 60152817
5. Payment for the services shall be made 14 days after delivery of goods or performance of service.
6. Bids must remain valid and open for consideration for a period of no less than 60 days. WVM will provide written confirmation through a purchase order to the selected/awarded supplier.
7. Financial offer with the supporting documents, should be sent to urmd_t@wvi.org email address mentioning the subject “JOB MARKET AND DIGITAL SKILLS ASSESSMENT IN MOLDOVA”
8. Your bid must be received, no later than 17:00 Local time, 27 Aug 2024.
Supply Chain Management Unit
World Vision Moldova
World Vision is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organisation dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. World Vision serves all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender. https://www.wvi.org/
Alte anunturi de angajare
- BDR Associates angajează un Asistent PR
- A.O. „Femei pentru Femei” este în căutarea unui asistent/unei asistente pentru programul de sprijin psihosocial pentru femeile și fetele care au experiența violenței în bază de gen
- Specialist/-ă în Comunicare și Relații Publice, A.O. „CONCORDIA. Proiecte Sociale”
- Solidarity Fund PL în Moldova angajează Specialist/ă Managementul Conformității
- Consiliul Național al Tineretului din Moldova anunță concurs pentru selectarea unui designer grafic
- Fundația Terre des hommes Moldova caută consultant/ă pentru dezvoltarea unui program de educația parentală, în cadrul proiectului „PACT în justiție: copii și tineri protejați ”
- Termen extins//CNPAC își extinde echipa și este în căutarea unui coordonator/unei coordonatoare în cadrul Proiectului „Servicii mai bune pentru copii în contact cu sistemul de justiție, părinți și adolescente”
- Project Manager: BRIC
- Project Clerk (Comrat), IOM Moldova
- Secretar(ă) al Serviciului publicitate și vânzări