Labour and Social Protection Policy Expert
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is currently implementing the Projects “Accelerating a Just Energy Transition in Republic of Moldova” and “Digitalization in Support of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection’s ‘Restart’ Reform Programme” that require the services of a Labour and Social Protection Policy Expert under Vacancy Announcement Qu24/02954.
Under the direct supervision of the Project Manager and the UNDP Moldova Policy Specialist, the National Consultant is expected to carry out the following tasks:
• Prepare comprehensive documentation to support the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection in updating institutional frameworks. Ensure documentation aligns with the RESTART reform principles and objectives.
• Analyze current legal and institutional frameworks. Identify gaps and areas for improvement in alignment with RESTART reforms;
• Develop actionable recommendations for necessary legal framework developments and amendments. Ensure recommendations are practical and implementable within the current policy landscape.;
• Conduct peer reviews of drafts and final documents to ensure quality and accuracy.;
• Provide guidance on integrating digital initiatives into delivery of social services, analyzing the socio-economic vulnerabilities associated with challenges faced by the vulnerable groups of population in the Republic of Moldova.
Deadline for submission of proposals: 22 August 2024, 16:30 (GMT+3:00)
For details regarding the competition and submission requirements, please visit the page:
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