One International and one National Consultant to conduct Evaluation of the Phase I of the One UN Joint Action
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is currently implementing the One UN Joint Action “Cross-river support for Human Rights” Project that requires the services of One International and one National Consultant to conduct Evaluation of the Phase I of the One UN Joint Action
The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the specific impact, efficiency and effectiveness, as well as challenges of the technical assistance provided within the One UN Joint Action “Cross-river support for Human Rights”, implemented between 2019-2022, with a forward-looking approach. The Evaluation is expected to clarify underlying factors affecting the situation, highlight unintended consequences (positive and negative), taking into account several crises that the country underwent (COVID-19, conflict in Ukraine, migrants' crisis etc.) and its impact of the Programme and flexibility of the Programme’s team to respond to these crises, and better design UN-supported interventions at the next stage. The Country Offices of involved UN agencies accordingly plan to make use of the exercise as a learning opportunity not only for the offices but also for key partners and stakeholders, as inclusively and as practically possible.
Deadline for submission of proposals: 08 July 2024, 16:30 (GMT+3:00)
For details regarding the vacancy and submission requirements, please visit the page:
Alte anunturi de angajare
- UCIPE angajează Specialist în aspecte de mediu
- Project Clerk (Cahul) extended, IOM Moldova
- UNFPA Programme Analyst M&E, Moldova, Chisinau, NOB (FTA)
- Fundația Orange anunță concurs de selectare a Partenerului de implementare a proiectului Women Digital Center, ediția 2024
- Consiliul Național al Tineretului din Moldova lansează concurs de selectare a unui expert/experte pentru elaborarea Raportului de monitorizare a implementării Programului Național de Tineret 2023-2027
- Caritas Moldova angajeaza Educator part-time în or.Orhei și or.Ungheni
- UCIPE angajează inginer mecanic în cadrul Proiectului Eficiența Energetică în Republica Moldova
- Instituția Publică Organizația pentru Dezvoltarea Antreprenoriatului anunță concurs pentru funcția de specialist principal / specialistă principală, Secția Evaluare Conformitate, Fondul pentru Antreprenoriat și Creștere Economică a Moldovei (FACEM)
- Communications Assistance Consultant to GIM, IOM Moldova
- Funcție vacantă: Specialist principal, Bibliotecă din cadrul Centrului de informații juridice