
National Consultant for screening of water quality related legislation

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is currently implementing the „Supporting the Moldovan authorities in the sustainable management of the Dniester River” Project that requires the services of a National Legal Consultant for screening of water quality-related legislation

Following the signing of the EU Association Agreement in 2014, the Republic of Moldova committed to gradually aligning its legislation with that of the European Union. Substantial efforts were made to harmonize national laws, particularly in environmental areas such as water quality and resource management. The Water Law, enacted in 2011, and its subsequent regulations were partially adjusted to comply with the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) and other related directives.

Deadline for submission of proposals: 08 July 2024, 16:30 (GMT+3:00)

For details regarding the vacancy and submission requirements, please visit the page:

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