Individual Consultant - IT Expert for feasibility study related to the weapons registry in Moldova
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is currently implementing a project The South Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SEESAC) that requires the services of an IT expert to undertake a feasibility study along with the development of an action plan for the weapon registry – phase 2 in the Republic of Moldova.
The purpose of this consultancy is to provide support in the implementation of the EU Council Decision (COUNCIL DECISION (CFSP) 2019/2111 of 9 December 2019 amended by CD 2024/381 in support of SEESAC disarmament and arms control activities in South-East Europe reducing the threat of illicit small arms and light weapons and their ammunition.
Deadline for submission of proposals: 24 April 2024, 16:00hrs (Moldova time)
For details regarding the vacancy and submission requirements, please visit the page:
Alte anunturi de angajare
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