UNIDO is hiring International Technical Advisor

Project: Improving the standards compliance through increased national capacities for residue monitoring (Joint financing EU/UNIDO)


The overall objective of this Action is to enhance national consumer safety and access to safe, healthy and nutritious food and to improve trade opportunities and create a conducive business environment for SMEs, thus contributing to resilient, sustainable, and inclusive economic development as well as paving the way to a fully-fledged Green Deal for the Republic of Moldova.

The specific objective of the Action is to increase national capacities for residue monitoring in animal feed and products of animal origin (pesticides, veterinary medicine, contaminants and prohibited substances).


Under the direct supervision of the Project Manager (PM) and close cooperation with the project team in the HQs and field location, the International Technical Adviser will be responsible for the performance of the following main duties:

Main activities:

1. Provide strategic advice to MAFI and respective authorities in the implementation of reforms of legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks, including preparation of roadmaps, with concrete recommendations in line with the National Programme of Adoption of EU Acquis and within the project’s scope;

2. Supervise the group of project technical and legal experts working on the harmonization and capacity building of MAFI and ANSA in implementing EU regulations 2017/625: official control and 2016/429: animal health and its secondary legislation;

3. In close cooperation with national and international food safety and other technical experts, provide expert advice and technical inputs to MAFI and ANSA in developing required policies, regulations and technical requirements for official controls in compliance with EU requirements;

4. In close cooperation with national and international food safety and other technical experts, provide technical advice and inputs to Sectorial and Business Association, BDS, academic institutions, SMEs, FBOs, etc., in the implementation of official control and self-control;

5. Supervise the development of training materials and literature on Good Hygiene Practices, HACCP, official control principles and procedures, self-control, etc. for inspectors, SMEs, FBOs and other value chain actors;

6. In close cooperation with International Quality Infrastructure and Food Expert, provide technical advice and inputs to ANSA on the NRMP development, implementation and corrective actions on the non-compliance;

7. In close cooperation with the National Project Coordinator, contribute to project coordination and reporting;

8. Prepare and submit for approval to the PM a final report.


Education: Advanced university degree (master’s or equivalent) in Chemistry, Agro-industries, Food Technology, Food Science, Veterinary medicine or related discipline is required.

Interested candidates must apply for the position of International Technical Advisor via the UNIDO recruitment website https://careers.unido.org/job/Chisinau-International-Technical-Advisor/973785955/ no later than 17 April 2024. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Only selected candidates will be contacted.

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