Call for partner for the UNIDO Standards Compliance Capacity Building and Implementation Programme for SMEs, FBOs and Farmers in the Republic of Moldova
UNIDO project “Improving the standards compliance through increased national capacities for residue monitoring”
(SAP: 220009)
announced a request for proposals to identify a partner for the UNIDO Standards Compliance Capacity Building and Implementation Programme for SMEs, FBOs and Farmers in the Republic of Moldova.
The objective of the required services is to develop and conduct a series of capacity-building activities,
including information sessions, training modules, and individual and group coaching for 20 SMEs,
FBOs and farmers in the value chains of meat, poultry, and dairy products covering the following topics:
• Food safety management (or control) system
• Good hygiene practices
• Food safety culture - implementation and evaluation
• Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) and HACCP-based procedures: selfcontrol/
monitoring plans, microbiological sampling and analyses performed in FBOs, HACCP plans, etc.
• Residue and contaminant monitoring techniques, including surveillance of processes, operations,
traceability and control of veterinary drugs and additives
• Principles for traceability/withdrawal and product tracking
• EU environmental requirements and animal welfare standards
• Waste management and recycling
• Sampling within the control programs of Salmonella and other pathogenic
microorganisms (Listeria, E coli, Campylobacter spp)
• Checking the quality of raw milk (NTG, NCS, detection of milk adulteration, presence of
antibiotics), corrections and corrective measures
• Main metrological issues and regulatory aspects in food safety assessment
• Management and assessment of emergencies and food crises
• Food labelling requirements and packaging
• Product diversification and development
• Business plans and investment proposals to upgrade production facilities, and improve business
processes and production methods.
Detailed ToR and instructions for submission the offers are available on the UNIDO centralised procurement portal, all bidders should apply through the UNIDO Procurement Portal event number 7000007393.
The submission deadline is 22.11.2024.