Tender announcement for Vulnerability Mapping of Youth in Moldova

MilleniuM Training and Development Institute is inviting qualified and experienced consultants to submit proposals for the conduct of a comprehensive Vulnerability Mapping of youth in our project's targeted municipalities.

The Vulnerability Mapping is planned to be conducted among youth, potential SKYE (Skills and Knowledge for Youth Economic Opportunities) club members and leaders.

SKYE NET is a EU4YOUTH program funded project. The Implementation of the project was started in July 2023.

The main objective of the Action is to have Successful entrepreneurial and career management practices as well as enhanced social business opportunities in place for the youth in Armenia, Georgia and Moldova, through the following specific objectives:

Specific Objective 1: Young change-makers in Armenia, Georgia and Moldova have enhanced opportunities and the capacity applied to transform their impactful ideas into sustainable social businesses and

Specific Objective 2: Youth-driven social entrepreneurship, with a focus on green and digital economies, is accelerated through the development of social enterprise business models, cross-border networking, and an improved business environment.

The project will be implemented in 3 municipalities of the Republic of Moldova: Chisinau, Cahul and Balti (including suburbs). 

Read the Terms of Reference by following the link: https://shorturl.at/fnxHL


1. Vulnerability Mapping of Youth




Programme Phase 

July 1, 2023 – June 31, 2025

Purpose of Vulnerability Mapping

A vulnerability mapping will be conducted to gain data, enhance the outreach to disadvantaged youth and inform project interventions with their specific needs. To inform project activities, the project team will conduct a Vulnerability Mapping of youth in the project targeted municipalities. The Vulnerability Mapping will enable the project team to specify learning and development needs of the potential beneficiaries of the project. In addition, the results of the study will lead to a number of conclusions and recommendations.

Primary Methodologies

Survey and document review 

Start and End Dates

December 2023 - January 2024

Anticipated Report Release Date 

January 2024


2. Description of Programme or Project Being Measured 

Operational period for programme/project

July 1, 2023 – June 31, 2025

Vulnerability Mapping target population

16-30 year old vulnerable Young people, from Chisinau, Cahul and Balti (including suburbs)


3. Objectives


  • Identify 400 vulnerable youth aged 16-30 with whom the project will work during the implementation of SKYE Clubs. 
  • Specify learning and development needs of the future young club members, The analysis should be provided for each municipality (including suburbs specificity).
  • Propose recommendations for the project interventions based on the vulnerability mapping.


Vulnerability Mapping Target Audiences (i.e., For whom is the baseline intended?)

The primary audience for the VM include:

  • MilleniuM
  • The project team
  • Major national and local stakeholders and partners
  • WV Georgia, WV Armenia, WV Germany
  • EU

Required Competencies for Selected Organization

- Prior experience in conducting research 

- Methodology development skills;

- Quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis skills;

- Knowledge of the regional and institutional context; 

- Process management skills; 

- Language proficiency;

- Ability and readiness for frequent travel to the 3 municipalities of the Republic of Moldova;


Read the Terms of Reference by following the link: https://shorturl.at/fnxHL


Offers must be prepared in English or Romanian. The application shall include:

1. CVs of survey team members 

2. List of surveys conducted within the last 3 years

3. Sample of a research Report

4. Recommendation letters from previous donors/contractors

5. Survey proposal with detailed methodology (including sampling approach); detailed timeline and estimated budget with detailed breakdown of costs per unit. 


Applications can be sent via email (electronically) with the subject Application - Vulnerability Mapping of Youth  info@millenium.md not later than 14.12.2023 time 23:00.

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