Request for Offers for Online Live Streaming Services

  1. Background

“Strategic Communication and Support to Mass‐Media” is a four-year project launched on Sptember 1st, 2023. The overall objective of the project is to support the successful implementation of democratic reforms in the Republic of Moldova, through increased visibility of EU and EU assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova, thus ensuring a stable, prosperous, and democratic future for all its citizens. The communication and visibility activities undertaken in the framework of this project should make clear reference to the Association Agreement (AA) and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA). 

The overall purpose of the project is the development and delivery of a positive and impactful communication, on EU support for the Republic of Moldova, via an overarching horizontal communication strategy and campaign activities, as well as provision of support to the mass media.  


The selected entity is expected to provide quality online live streaming services and crossposting on different channels, as required by Stratcom. All type of organised events, current and emerging, fall within the scope of the proposal. The successful Contractor shall provide online quality live streaming of events. All organisational matters related to provision of services shall be prior consulted with StatCom in close cooperation with  the EU Delegation in the Republic of Moldova.  It should ensure professional and secure video live streaming and low latency streaming of videos delivery. The company should ensure the RTMP (real-time messaging protocol) ingest, playback, and streaming support and also Encoding software for live video delivery.  

The Contractor shall, upon request and receipt of duly authorized instructions, provide the following services and products: 

  • Provide necessary equipment and personnel to ensure live streaming events based in Europe Café or outside the EU Information Centre in Chisinau, including locations outside Chisinau to be considered.
  • Provided the necessary equipment for quality of live streaming in the capital and regions (video recording cameras, web cameras, lights, sound and video equipment, quality internet provision and related equipment to ensure timely and high quality streaming);
  • Provide advice on the general video and sound producing process prior to the event, in close consultations with StratCom team and EU Delegation;
  • Ensure the smooth administration of the online streaming of each event;
  • Provide the list of websites and social media platforms on which the live streaming was delivered and data related to public audience, reach and other relevant data assessing the impact;
  • Process in due time the necessary changes/cancellations duly authorized by Stratcom, in close consultations with EU Delegation, for the agreed online event.
  • Grant flexibility to provide emergency event streaming services outside the usual working hours or during weekends, where necessary.
  • Provide a professional employee as support staff and contact point for the event in order to ensure a smooth cooperation of the Project and the Contractor during the duration of the contract.
  • Ensure coordination with other online portals and social networks in order to ensure relevant cross-posting.
  • Ensure that all requirements are provided and arranged in a timely manner.



Stratcom will provide the Contractor with all the necessary information on the activities and materials, concept, agenda or details about the event flow and other relevant details, in close consultations with EU Delegation. 


The selected entity shall, based on consultation and approval by Stratcom (in close consultations with EU Delegation), be responsible for ensuring appropriate online streaming services for the organization of the events as requested.


The Contractor’s performance shall be evaluated against such criteria as: timeliness, responsibility, initiative, communication, drive for results, accuracy and quality of products and services delivered. 

The Contractor shall meet periodically with Stratcom project team to discuss issues of mutual concern, to review the contractor’s performance and to discuss improvements which the service provider or Stratcom should make in order to achieve more effective provision of event services and greater savings.  


The Contractor shall propose a fee for the provision of live streaming services in Chisinau and in regions. The related costs for transportation of technical team in the field, meals or translation euqipment should be included in the general fee. 

Prices for events shall be adjusted and agreed by both party depending on other requrements for events (in case of live streaming of event in regions, need of additional specific equipment).  

Stratcom shall perform payments in a timely manner (no later than thirty days) upon receipt of original invoices in English with VAT 0% with breakdowm of costs for the delivered services.

  • Official registerred legal entity (certificate of registration to be submitted together with completed tender dossier)
  • Proven record of previous positive experience of minimum 3 years in the relevant area (Live streaming services and crossposting on relevant channels)
  • Previous experience in working with EU funded projects or international organizations shall be an asset; (references to be submitted together with the completed tender dossier)
  • Financially capable of rendering all the requested services, which is evidenced by the financial statement/balance sheet; (proof to be submitted upon request)
  • Competent and experienced personnel as underlined by their track record in their Curriculum Vitae and copies of their certificates, if available. (CV and certifications of qualification to be submitted together with the completed tender dossier)
  • Ability to guarantee the delivery of products and services in accordance with the performance standards required by this ToR;
  • Adherence to EU General Terms and Conditions for the Contract;

In case of unsatisfactory performance, the contract shall be terminated by notification letter sent 15 (fifteen) days prior to the termination date. In the meantime, Stratcom reserves the right to initiate another selection, in order to identify an appropriate candidate for the Contract.


Please send your offer for this tender: no later than 03.03.2025 17h00. Please mention in the subject line “Online live streaming services”. 

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