Invitation to Quote # FRIDGE SVETLAI 2024

Invitation to Quote


Country: Republic of Moldova

Name of Project: Fruit Garden of Moldova

Shopping for: Supply and installation of the cold room (refrigeration) equipment and accessories.

Procurement performed under the INVESTMENT IN INFRASTRUCTURE Component of the “Fruit Garden of Moldova” Project.

Final beneficiary:  Technical Agricultural College from Svetlai town, Comrat district

Finance Contract No: FI N° 83.887 (MD) Serapis N° 2014-0041

ITQ Reference No:  FRIDGE_SVETLAI_2024

Date: November 21, 2024

1.   The Republic of Moldova has received financing from the European Investment Bank toward the cost of the Fruit Garden Project (in amount of 120mln EUR), and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for: Supply and installation of the cold room (refrigeration) equipment and accessories, for the final beneficiary: Technical Agricultural College from Svetlai town, Comrat district, goods procured within the INVESTMENTS IN INFRASTRUCTURE Component of the “Fruit Garden of Moldova” Project.

2.    The implementing agency/Purchaser - Consolidated Unit for Implementing and Monitoring the Wine Sector Restructuring Program (UCIMPRSVV) now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for Supply and installation of the cold room (refrigeration) equipment and accessories. Supply and installation period is up to 20 working days from contract signature date. The Bidder must bid for 100% of requested items and adjacent services.

3.    Bidding will be conducted through Local Shopping Procedure and is open to all eligible Bidders as defined in the EIB Guide to Procurement.

4.    Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information and/or request an electronic copy of the bidding documents from: UCIMPRSVV, PIU Procurement Department, Email: The Bidding Documents are provided free of charge (in electronic format) and shall be sent via e-mail, upon written request (to the email mentioned above).

5.    Bids (in a sealed envelope) must be delivered at or before: 10.00 AM, November 28, 2024, to the following address:

18, Calea Basarabiei str. (yellow building), 2nd floor,

MD-2023, Chisinau city, Moldova.

Attention to: Iurie Brumarel, Executive director,

 Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. 

Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders’ representatives, who choose to attend in person, at 10.00 AM, November 28, 2024.

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