Terms of Reference for Venue Selection for two public events


The Friedrich Ebert Foundation will organize two public events in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, in November 2024. The first event, the MACRO 2024 conference, will take place on November 19th, during which the State of the Country Report 2024 will be presented. The second event, the Moldovan European Integration Forum, will be held on November 26th where the key challenges regarding Moldova's European integration process will be discussed with local and international experts, public authorities, academia, civil society, and other stakeholders.

In this context, the Foundation is searching for a venue that will host both events and meet the following requirements:

  • The venue shall be able to host up to 120 participants from 09:00 to 16:00;
  • The venue shall be situated in a central location with easy access for all participants;
  • The venue shall have one stage and six armchairs for the speakers;
  • In-house catering services shall be available, covering one welcome coffee, one lunch, and one coffee break for 120 participants at both events in the same order;
  • High-quality audio-visual equipment shall be available for both events;
  • Adequate restroom facilities, including accessibility features for disabled participants;
  • Adequate parking facilities and proximity to public transportation.

Evaluation Criteria:

The proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Venue’s location, facilities, catering options, and access;
  • Overall cost-effectiveness.

The proposals shall be submitted by August 22, 2024, to danmarius.palihovici@fes.de.

For any inquiries or clarifications regarding these terms of reference, please contact Dan Marius Palihovici at danmarius.palihovici@fes.de.

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