Call for Proposals - Translation of Education Materials (Video ) from English to Romanian, Ukrainian & Russian


Capture décran 2024 02 06 092413 Who are we?   

Bibliothèques Sans Frontières (BSF) works to empower people through access to information, education and culture. To achieve this, BSF takes libraries to places where they don't exist, to make them accessible to the most vulnerable populations.    

Since its creation in 2007, BSF has been deploying strategies to disseminate information based on tools, content carefully selected according to the needs of the public, and support for field’s actors.  

Our action relies on 2 tools that provide access to quality resources and activities designed with the user's experience in mind:  

  • The Ideas Box, a media library in kit shape created with designer Philippe Starck, which can be rapidly deployed in any location, to create a cultural, educational and information access space. BSF has deployed over 150 IDB since 2014.    
  • The Ideas Cube, a server that provides access to a digital and autonomous library, operates without an internet connection to provide access to information in the most remote locations. 

Project context 

Reducing vulnerability to disaster risks and strengthening socio-economic resilience in Moldova. 

The consortium of NGOs ACTED, IMPACT and BSF aims to increase people's resilience to natural and man-made hazards in the Anenii Noi region of Moldova. The Anenii Noi region is particularly vulnerable to a range of natural hazards. To achieve this objective, the consortium will support local authorities, civil society organizations and rural communities in the region.   

BSF will work with libraries and CSOs, which are key actors at local level in increasing community resilience to natural and man-made hazards in the Anenii Noi region. 5 of them will be selected to receive a toolkit including an IDC server and a micro-library. The content provided in English, Russian and Romanian will enable them to act as local relays for improved access to educational and informational content relating to disaster risk, protection and resilience. 

Mission objectives 

BSF is looking for a four languages professional translator to translate from English into Romanian, Ukrainian and Russian several educational video scripts for use by Ideas Cube animators, focusing on 3 main themes: 

  1. Spreading information about disaster risk reduction 
  1. Sharing sustainable farming techniques   
  1. Facilitation on psycho-social support content 

As part of this assignment, the consultant will provide:    

  • Voice-sound-text transcription and video editing (in synchronization with time) 

The total number of videos to be translated is 233: 

  • 50 video contents from English into Romanian  
  • 55 video contents from English to Ukrainian    
  • 31 video contents from English into Russian.  
  • 9 video contents from Romanian to Ukrainian  
  • 3 videos contents from Romanian to Russian  
  • 15 videos contents from Russian to Romanian  
  • 16 videos contents from Russian to Ukrainian  
  • 27 videos contents from Ukrainian to Romanian 
  • 27 videos contents from Ukrainian to Russian 

The total duration of the 233 videos is approximately: 13 hours (780 min) 

  • Approximate duration of each video: 
  • Between 2 and 8 minutes 
  • Exceptional: 25 minutes 


At the end of this assignment, the expected deliverables are the translation of each video on MP-4 format, and the preparation of the subtitles for each of the videos.  

Each video must be named as follows:    

Ex : Video_Wash Hands_ se spală pe mâini 

Working methods  

The Consultant will be coordinated by BSF Moldova Program Manager, Normand Levesque, and BSF Moldova Content Advisor, Lucia Brehoi. 

  • A kick-off meeting will be held at the start of the mission, attended by the education team.  
  • A mid-term follow-up meeting.  
  • A feedback meeting (linked to the presentation session) will be held at the end of the assignment to jointly validate the recommended orientations and deliverables.  

Outside these delivery times, the organization of follow-up will be defined with the BSF Moldavia team. 


The mission will start as soon as possible and will be carried out remotely. 

The schedule of deliverables will be communicated at the beginning of the mission. However, a revision step after 10 translations is required. The precise modalities of this stage will be communicated to the consultant. 

The mission will end when all deliverables are handed in, no later than March 31, 2024. 

Remuneration for this assignment will be fixed by mutual agreement between the parties following a financial proposal from the candidate. The total amount will be paid by bank transfer in two instalments, according to the following conditions:  

  • 70% at the start of the assignment  
  • 30% upon validation of all deliverables by BSF.  

Payments will be made in MDL from Moldova.  


The application must include a technical note describing the proposed methodology, a price proposal and the resume of the consultant working on the assignment.  

 Please send your proposal by email to:  

All incomplete applications will not be considered. 

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