IDLO is inviting IT companies to submit Proposals for Designing, Developing, and Implementing of a Mediation Information System for Moldova

International Development Law Organization (IDLO) is an intergovernmental organization exclusively devoted to promoting the rule of law. Established in 1983, IDLO works to enable governments and empower people to reform laws and strengthen institutions to promote peace, justice, sustainable development, and economic opportunity. Its programs, research, and policy advocacy cover the spectrum of rule of law from peace and institution building to social development and economic recovery in countries emerging from conflict and striving towards democracy. IDLO has its Headquarters in Rome, a Branch Office in The Hague, Liaison Offices for the United Nations in New York and Geneva, and Country Offices in Afghanistan, Armenia, the Bahamas, Burkina Faso, Honduras, Indonesia, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Jordan, Liberia, Mali, Moldova, Mongolia, Myanmar, Niger, the Philippines, Somalia, Tunisia, Uganda, and Ukraine

The European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), in partnership with the International Development Law Organization (IDLO), launched the implementation of the Commercial Mediation and Arbitration Project in Moldova (Phase IV), that aims to promote and facilitate the use of arbitration and commercial mediation on a national scale, with the goal of mainstreaming alternative dispute resolution methods for business in the country. The Project is implemented in cooperation and for the benefit of the Ministry of Justice, Mediation Council, Mediation Centers, and other relevant stakeholders. The project is financed by the USAID. As part of the Project and in line with the Project Terms of Reference, the Project Team agreed to strengthen the institutional capacity of the Mediation Council, assist the Mediation Centre of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova with the strengthening of its institutional capacity and to support the Mediation Centre of the Chamber of Commerce and its regional offices in the operation of the mediation national roll-out program. The development of comprehensive digital infrastructure for mediation represents a significant social value. It encourages participation in mediation process, creates a transparent environment for accreditation of mediators and mediation centers, maintains up to date the State Register of Mediators.

Under this request, IDLO is inviting qualified national IT companies to submit Proposals for designing, developing, and implementing the IT solutions to promote mediation and strengthen the capacity of the Moldova Mediation Council. The attached RFP contains all the necessary information for interested Offerors. 

Deadline for Submission of Proposals:

On or before Date: February 23, 2022

Time: 15:00 hours Rome, Italy local time.

For any questions/clarifications related to this RFP before Deadline for Submissions of Proposals, please contact IDLO on and mention Clarification RFP No. HQ-2022-015 in the subject section of your email

Sincerely yours,

International Development Law Organization | IDLO

Moldova Country Office

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