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30 mini-grants in the field of increasing transparency have been signed

IMG 6817On December 14, the CONTACT Center conducted the procedure for signing grant contracts offered to the localities - beneficiaries of the project “Increasing Local Government Transparency through participatory policies in the Republic of Moldova” funded by the United Nations Democracy Fund – (UNDEF).

The methods of co-operation between the local public administration, the public association and the group of active citizens, created in each beneficiary community, were presented during the event. In addition, the narrative and financial reporting conditions, the papers and the documents required for reporting were explained. The participants exchanged views on how to implement action plans, to ensure the visibility and sustainability of project activities, as well as the synergy with other projects, plans, and strategies under implementation in the target communities.

The main managers of the 30 mini-grants are 11 active NGOs, LPAs and local initiative groups in 10 beneficiary localities from the northern, central and southern regions of the Republic of Moldova, willing to extent transparency and participate in the public life of the communities.

The project coordinators came up with a series of recommendations and methodological guidance on the successful implementation of projects to deepen transparency and ensure access to information. The activities to be implemented in the beneficiary localities of the project are: creation of local radio stations, holding public hearings and debates, live broadcasting of public sessions, participation in the meetings of the local council, publication of newsletters, creation and maintenance of the web pages of the localities, etc.

Liliana Porumb, project coordinator, mentions that by implementing these mini-grants in the 10 localities, beneficiaries of the project, the CONTACT Center aims to establish new ways of communication between the citizens and the local public administration.

The aim of the project is to increase the level of transparency in the activity of local public authorities through the elaboration, promotion and adoption of local public policies in a participatory manner, the elaboration and implementation of local plans to deepen transparency and to ensure citizens’ access to public information.

For details or additional information: 022 233948

Contact person – Liliana Porumb, project coordinator.


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